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Chapter: Broken

Prom is today and everyone is getting ready, besides me. I have better things to do at the moment. Things that I don't need my boyfriend to know.

"Hack into this," I said to Calum, holding the thumb drive in his face.

He raised a brow. "What is it?"

"Proof," I stated.

"Of what?" He asked, taking out of my hand, then sitting in front of his computer.

"That someone killed her and I think it's Max's dad."

"Didn't Luke tell you not to go looking anymore?"

I rolled my eyes. "That's why he isn't here. I need to do this, even if I get arrested for it," I muttered the last part.

"Where did you get this from?" He asked, plugging it in and typing away.


He stopped typing and faced me. "You got this from the son of the guy you think raped and killed your best friend? Not to mention, the guy that's trying to steal my girl."

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Haven't you ever thought that this was tampered with?" He started typing again, but in a fast and aggressive way.

"I asked if it was. What are you doing?"

"Seeing if they planted a tracking device on it. The hack won't be traceable, but opening the file might trigger something." He pushed his chair back and gestured me towards the screen.

"What am I looking at?" I asked, confused with all these hacker things.

"That is a tracking device on the file. If I open it here, it'll set off an alarm."

"For who?"

"The person Max got this from."

"How could he open it the first time?" I looked back at him.

"The tracker was put on the file recently. A week ago to be exact." He pointed at the screen.

He was right, there was a time and date set on the screen. "Can you get into it without setting off the alarm?"

"No. If I open that file, that alarm would be set off and you'll be in prison in the next twenty-four hours." He tapped his chin and rocked on his chair. "We can't open it here, it's too obvious that it's you opening it," he muttered.

"How is it obviously me?"

"Because the guy has everything on us." He rolled away and grabbed the papers. He rolled back handing it to me and I scanned the list of people on it. It wasn't a long list, but the people I care about the most are on it. "He has a list of people helping you. Lulu's even on the list," he mumbled.

We were silent. I kept staring at the screen, trying to find away for me to get into the file without knowing it's me. I can't do it here, I can't do it at anyone else's house. I need to do it somewhere it isn't obvious that I'm the one opening the file.

"Tonight," I said when an idea popped into my head. I looked back at him and he raised a brow.

"What about tonight?" He asked.

"Tonight's prom, right?" He nodded, leaning forward. "I'll use the computers in the library and open the file there. The gym will be filled with students. They won't suspect it's me. I'll print all the things on the file and I'll give it to the police."

"The question is, will Luke allow you to do that?"

"Luke doesn't need to know," I muttered bitterly.

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