Never Have I Ever

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Chapter 10: Never Have I Ever

"What game?" I asked.

"We can play truth or dare." he suggested.

"I think we should eat first before we dive into that." I pointed at the bottles.

"I'll order a pizza and we'll play in the living room."

"Sounds like a plan." I grabbed the bottles and attempted to find the living room. It's my first time here and I have no idea where I'm going. I finally found it and set the drinks on the stand next to a sofa. I moved the coffee table out of the way then grabbed the bottles.

"Pizza will be here soon." he said sitting on the couch "Why did you move the table?"

"We're going to play a game and a table is just going to be in the way if one of us does something really stupid." I sat next to him and handed him a bottle.

He nodded "So truth or dare then?"

"How about never have I ever?"

"What's that?"

"I say something I have never done but if you did it, you take a drink."

He nodded. "Great, I'm down."

"But I can't drink too much since I have to be home by nine, apparently."

"It's only six in the afternoon."

"You haven't met me when I drink."


"I'll get it." I said getting up.

I opened the door. "Pizza delivery, that'll be sixteen dollars." I smiled and found Calum standing in front of me.

"Your friend said you were out of town." I said, handing him the money.

"Came back a few hours ago." he shrugged and handed me the pizza.

"Hey, piercings." I called out.

"What are you doing here?" Calum asked.

"Luke invited me over. Well told me to come over."

"Calum." Luke said shaking hands with him "Come on in and hang with us."

"I have work, Luke."

"Get off now and come inside."

I mouthed the words 'vodka' to Calum and he nodded. "I'll call my boss."

"Have you been drinking already?" I asked. He seems awfully cheery and I could smell it on him.

"Lola, let loose." He smiled.

Wow, alcohol moves fast in him.

"I'm usually the one that tells you that." I chuckled pushing him a bit.

"Well, now it's my turn." he smiled.

"I have a two more deliveries then I'll be over." Calum said.

"We'll save you some." I said, referring to the vodka.

He nodded "Keep an eye on him."

"I will." I closed the door and found Luke eating already.

"Does pizza always taste this good?" He closed his eyes and savoured the pizza.

"Go in the living room." I pointed. "I'll be there in a minute." He walked off. "Don't drink if I'm not there."

I pulled out my phone and dialled my house."Hello?"

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