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Percy POV

I hate shopping.

It is official. Not even Piper can help me. We decided to go shopping for Christmas gifts for everyone together and I can not tell you how much I despise it.

Not only am I away from Jason, I literally have no idea what to get him.

We have been together for a few months and I still have no idea what to get my boyfriend. After much thought the best solution I could come up with was to let Piper help me pick something out.

She suggested something to do with being a couple, and I think it is a great idea, I just don't know what to get . We have both been wandering around the mall for hours and I have something for everyone but Jason.

As we were about to enter another store Piper got a call. "Hey Annabeth, what's up?" She stayed silent and listened. "Yeah, I would love to go out tonight." She looked at me, looking for my opinion, and I nodded at her.

She hung up shortly afterwards and then said, "Sorry, I gotta run but don't give up looking. I'm sure you'll find the perfect thing for him. Just look into your heart and I'm sure it'll tell you what to get him."

With that piece of advice, she left me to wander the mall all on my lonesome. After another 30 minutes of going store to store, I was about to give up, until I saw a small cart in the middle of the walkway.

It had all sorts of jewelry, from bracelets to necklaces, but what really caught my eyes was the pair of promise rings that described Jase and I perfectly.

Was it too soon to be doing promise rings? What if he didn't like them? What if he thought it was too much too quick?

I stood there staring at the rings for what seemed like an eternity before one of the three little old ladies running the stand came up to me. "Do you see something you like sweetheart?" I nodded and then pointed to the rings in the window.

She got her keys and opened the cabinet, then handed me the rings. They were perfect and the price didn't matter but I was still worried about Jason's reaction. I had a discussion with the lady and she told me to go for it.

So I did. I bought them and walked home with a smile. That smile grew even more when I walked into the living room to a sleeping Jason with a sleeping Tempest on his chest. I went to go and put all of the presents in my closet and then walked back to the living room.

I looked at the clock and noticed it was about the time that someone started dinner and fed Tempest. I kissed Jason's forehead, put his glasses on the coffee table and headed off to the kitchen.

I read a note from mom saying not to worry about dinner for her and then decided to just cook something simple. I grabbed the Mac n' Cheese from the pantry and started making it. I was almost done when I heard little paws running towards me.

I got Tempest's food and then pat him on the head. I peeked into the living room and noticed that Jason shifted to his side. Guess that's why Temp jumped down. I got caught up in staring at him but the sound of water bubbling over on the stove broke my focus and I rushed to get it off the stove.

I got the noodles out of the water and then mixed the cheese with them. After I was done I put it in two bowls and walked over to the couch, the happy and fed Tempest following me.

I put both bowls on the table and then sat next to Jason. I ran my fingers through his hair and leaned down to press a kiss on his cheek. He started to stir and I pulled back with a smile.

"Good evening sleepyhead. I made some dinner if you want some." He slowly opened his eyes and I saw his perfect sky blue eyes look at me. I smiled even more and he smiled back.

He started to reach for something and I realized he wanted his glasses so I put them on. "Hey. When did you get back?" He asked with a groggy and tired voice. "About 20 minutes ago. How was your nap?" He nodded and I took that as peaceful, meaning no nightmare.

I gave him the bowl and he didn't even look before taking the spoon and eating it. I sat back further on the couch and Jason automatically leaned his head on my shoulder. Guess he didn't get his nap out. I turned the T.V. on and went to the movie channels.

We had very different taste in movies but we ended up picking The Santa Clause, in honor of Christmas being so close. We weren't even an hour in before I heard small snores coming from my shoulder.

I looked down and noticed Jason was asleep again. I shook my head and just pulled him closer, also setting my head on his. All through the movie I couldn't help but look at Jason. He was absolutely perfect and nothing was going to change that.

When the movie ended I carefully turned the T.V. off and picked Jason up. I took him to his room and set him carefully in bed. Not soon after, Tempest jumped up on the bed and curled up right at Jason's feet.

I walked out and cleaned up the living room a little before heading back to my room. I pulled the rings out and looked at them again. I got lost thinking about them but I was pulled out by a small whimpering sound and then a scream.

I quickly ran to Jason's room and pulled him to my chest, where he calmed down almost immediately. Tempest walked up, sniffed Jason, then went back to his spot to continue his slumber. I lifted the comforter and slid under with Jason's head still resting over my heart.

I took a deep breath and relaxed back with Jason still in my arms. 


Hello fellow readers, I hope you will forgive me for not updating with this very fluffy chapter.  

I promise the plot will start to develop more after New Year's but until then I have one more chapter after the Christmas chapter before we get into all that.

As usual, I own nothing and any similarities are unintentional. 


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