The Run

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Percy POV

I managed to convince my mom to let me go out on the run. It's a tradition that my friends and I made when we were little. When we turn 18 we promised that we would all go out on a run in wolf form for a night.

Nico actually came up with it. He would be the first to turn 18 on the 28th of January. He suggested that he could go with Piper. Then we all agreed that we would tag along when we turned.

When I turned 18 it was 3 days before school so we all decided to have mine the same weekend as Will's.

However, that is not why I had a smile on my face for the rest of the week. After that Wednesday when I helped Jason, we have gotten closer as friends. We have few classes together since I switched some classes around, but 1st is always the most fun.

I'm always confused and Jason tends to try and help but it only confuses me more, but I would never tell him that. The rest of the classes I had down pretty well but math will be the death of me this year.

When Friday rolled around, everyone was so excited for this weekend. We all had our ranks and we could all enjoy the run.

We are heading into the woods now and everyone was still having trouble with sitting through the 30 minute car ride. We all had ADHD and had trouble sitting around for long periods of time.

Once we finally got there everyone started screaming and talking like we were completely safe here. In a way, we were. It was the only way any of us got to change forms and just run. Hence the name.

I could tell they just wanted to take off now but I suggested we wait till night because that always made the run more enjoyable. We all helped each other, as we unloaded the car. We planned to stay until Sunday.

Before we went out I suggested we have a little campfire. There were only 5 of us but we all trusted one another. We had fun sitting around the campfire, laughing, throwing food, and having just a fun time.

As I looked around I was thankful for the little group of friends I've had. We all had our tragic backstory but we all knew each other like siblings.

I thought about how Nico had first come up to me and we slowly started to become friends. I noticed small things about him that you would miss unless you were looking for them. One day I followed Nico and saw that he was living on the streets. I asked him why and it took a long time for him to tell me but he opened up about how he used to live in a cabin in the woods but he lost his family due to hunters.

When I told him I had to move schools again, he looked like he just lost everything again. That is until he met Will.

Will was completely the opposite of Nico. Nico had come from a long line of shifters but Will was the first in many generations. His family abandoned him when they put the pieces together and they never turned back. He eventually worked his way to high school. He has his own little apartment and when his rent became hard to keep up Nico offered to be his roommate and pay half the rent. That was last year and they have been inseparable since.

Piper had the worst run of luck in my opinion. A few years back her dad got in a huge wreck and lost his memory. She said she never knew her mom and her step mom hated her. She stayed with her dad and step mother but only because she wanted to be there for her dad. She still hoped that he would remember her, but it never came. She never told her step mom she could shift because she had to hear the lecture about how 'They aren't real people. They are animals and deserve to be hunted as such.'

Frank never had any family problems but school was a different matter altogether. He has been bullied since I met him. I tried to help him by standing up to some of the bullies. One of which was Octavian himself. Ever since I have tried to watch out and make sure that he was fine. However, after he turned 18 nobody has messed with him. He got a lot taller but he still looked like a panda bear in the face.

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