Familiar Green Eyes

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Jason POV

The Wolf.

The wolf with bright green eyes.

The eyes seemed so familiar but I just couldn't place them. When I arrived back at the campsite with all my friends, we decided to get away from everything, I put the fake smile back on and acted along with my friends. When we finally called it a night and went into our tents, I found myself staring at the ceiling and only thinking.

How could the wolf understand me?

I mean I've heard about the people who could also change to wolves but I never thought I would meet one. My father always called them "animals that try to be humans" or "beasts that should be shot down" but I've never thought of them like that. I kinda always wanted to meet one but they always keep it a secret to protect themselves and others.

As I thought about my dilemma my eyes slowly started to close and I soon fell asleep thinking about the wolf with familiar green eyes.

When I did wake up again everyone was still asleep so I found myself walking back to the riverbank. When I arrived I wasn't that surprised when I saw the wolf sitting there. I got a better look at him than last night. I noticed the small amount of white that was at the tip of his ears and his tail. I walked up and sat next to the almost black wolf and he turned his head as if asking the silent question. "I'm fine. I went back and my friends and I just sat and joked around the campfire. It was nice to be with them and out and away from my parents. Not that they would notice unless they were missing their punching bag."

I kept looking ahead and refused to look at the wolf next to me. He nudged my arm and then I finally looked at him. His eyes looked onto mine and I could see every detail. I knew those eyes, but I just couldn't place them. "Can I ask you a question?" He tilted his head and I assumed that was a yes. "Are you one of those people who can change into a wolf? I only ask because you seem so interested in what I'm saying and I don't think a wild wolf would do that." He hesitantly gave a little nod.

"That's cool. I've always wanted to meet someone with such a unique ability. I heard that it is rare to meet someone like you." His ears perked up again and I swear he looked a little relieved. So we sat there with me just rambling and him just listening. After a while, I suddenly asked "So, what am I supposed to call you? I mean, I know you have a name but I don't think you'll tell me that yet. So what should I call you?"

He looked a little confused by the question but I still continued "How about something like Jake?" He shook his head and I came up with another name. "Blackjack?" His tail started wagging and his ears perked up again. "Blackjack it is." We locked eyes again until he broke it by looking towards the bushes. He stood up and slowly walked towards them like he saw or heard something.

Another wolf, one with brownish black fur came out of the bushes. Blackjack stopped and looked at the wolf with a confused glare. Maybe they could talk in some weird wolf language because soon they looked like they were having a conversation with their eyes. The other wolf left and Blackjack turned to look at me and I understood the message. "It's okay. You can leave if you need to. I'm sure this won't be the last time I come here. It was nice to have someone who listened to me." He nudged his head against my hand and then he ran after his friend.

I continued to sit on the river bank to help clear my head. After a few minutes I made my way back to my campsite with my thoughts still on Blackjack. When I got back everyone was still asleep and I just sat on a log around the long dead campfire. I didn't hear someone come up behind me but then he asked "What are you kids doing out here at a time like this?"

I jumped and gave him a confused look. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you kid. I'm just out hunting the impure wolves and found some tracks that came this way. Did you happen to see any?"

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