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Yumi's POV

It's time to go back home. It sucks but we won't be separated for long. He's my fiance and we'll have a few practices together. "Well it's been ages since I've seen you." Nana says sarcastically. "Hi Nana." I say. "Did you have a good time. My hip feels much better." She says. "Oh I'm glad it is and yes I had a great time." I say.

I squat down next to her. "I have a surprise. I wanted you to be the first to know." I whisper. "You're pregnant?" She says. "No but." I say showing her the ring. She smiles. "Oh sweetie I'm so happy for you! When is the wedding?" She asks excitedly with a hug. She examines it more.

"We plan to have it some time after I get out of school." I say. "Well I'll be doing some shopping." She says. "I'm kind of nervous to tell everyone else." I say. "Oh that's normal. I was so scared to even speak." She says. "Will you help me tell them?" I ask. "Of course sweetie." She says.

Time skip

They all just stare at me shocked. "So are you upset?" I ask. "No no it's just so soon." Mom says. Daichi and dad are just frozen. Grandpa rubs his chin. "I'm glad that you're getting married. Especially to him. He's a good kid. Although it does seem soon. Do you really know that much about him? You've only been together for a week and a few days." He says. "True but everything has been coming back to me slowly since I saw Nana's scrapbook. Plus it's like a non-stop conversation with him. I know so much about him even though we've only been together for this short amount of time." I say.

Daichi gives me a speed run of questions. I just nod once he's satisfied. "I'll be watching." He says. "I wouldn't doubt it." I say.

Time skip

The guys know now and the team has been off recently. I need to do something about this. I am the manager so I should be able to fix this problem. "Okay I'm not doing this anymore what's the problem? Ever since we came back and I told you the news everything has been off. Like we've never played in our entire lives." I say. They say nothing.

"Noya give me the details. Be blunt with me I know you want to say something." I say. He looks away. I give him a look and he knows I'm looking at him. "Okay okay fine just stop staring at me like that." He says. "Okay." I say.

"It just feels a bit weird you getting engaged. It feels like you're ready to leave us. Like you can't wait to leave. You're a part of the team too so knowing that and feeling that way. It's kind of like you don't want to be here at all. So we aren't in sync with each other. If just one of us feels a certain way it affects all of us." He says.

"Seriously that's what this is all about. Look I have no intentions of leaving why would I. Just because I get engaged doesn't mean I want to leave. I couldn't imagine not playing with you guys. I'd miss you a lot. I want to be on this team till the end. I've been here for what feels like forever. I like it here though. Besides I can't just leave everything up to Ennoshita. Also leaving you guys would probably just be chaos. I told Kuroo myself that my team comes first. I plan on going to nationals together. I've come all this way with you and I just couldn't leave in the middle of your slash our success. I told him that we'd beat every single person. Even Shiritorizawa. I made a promise and I intend to keep all my promises. I promise to stay and to go to nationals together. That being said I can't leave you guys. Even if I wanted to. So if I'm staying I won't allow you to suck. Sorry for being blunt but right now we suck. We'll never get to nationals if this keeps up. So I need you all to get stronger. Physically and emotionally. Something so small as this can't get in the way. I'm your manager and teammate. Meaning I can't let stuff like this happen." I say.

"Yumi!" Hinata and Noya tackle me into a hug. "We're sorry." Noya says. "Super sorry." Hinata says. "It's okay you felt like this because of me so I'm sorry too." I say and get up. "Now that we've gotten that out of the way. Let's get stronger together. Stronger than everyone else and win nationals. I can run and jump yeah but I need to get better on my spikes and targeting. Luckily we have each other so this will be easy." I say and put my hands out to them.

They nod. "Asahi." I say. "Hm?" He says. "I need your help with my spikes." I say. "Are you sure?" He asks.

"Positive you do the most impact with your spikes. Once I get that down I'll need Hinata's help. I want to learn how to make my quick attacks faster. Me and Suga will need to do the most work together since Hinata and Kageyama are a package deal. So are you up for it?" I ask them. They nod. "Alright I have a few strategies I wanna try out. Nekoma taught me some stuff. I don't want to copy off them but I want to make them our own." I say.


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