Friendly Competition

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Yumi's POV

I take my track suit off that hid my shorts and tank top. "My brother and a team that doubted them and my skills to help them as a manager. I defeated the whole team by myself. It was actually kind of fun. My team offered so I thought why not. I'm the manager so I though getting up closer could help. We have a lot of imperfections and things we need lots of practice on. It's my job to see those things so we can improve. I want us to go to nationals. Even though it's a tough goal to reach I'll do my best. To help them win and get there. It means a lot to us so I need to give it all I got just like everyone else. I'm the shortest on the team that's something that doesn't help. So I need to work harder than everyone on the court. Harder than the tallest guy on the court. Because it's almost effortless to them. Being my height I can't let that stop me. I can't let it bring my team down. My team really wants me on the court. I really want us to win because they deserve it. They work so hard. Us being called wingless crows hurts occasionally makes us mad. We work and work especially this year. So when we get called that. It makes them feel like we haven't done anything. Like we've wasted all that time these past years. Having to get use to that. Knowing people's opinions are only negative. That we have no one who believes in us other than ourselves sucks. So that being said. Training as much as I can makes me believe that we have higher chances. I want us to feel like the proudest at the end of the day losing the game or not." I say.

"That's a good reason in that case we'll have to do our best too. Hearing that let's me know that you'll catch up maybe even surpass us. For now though we'll go easy on you. You're still growing but when we see you get stronger we'll go a bit harder." He says. "Wait you went easy on us!" I say. "Only a little." He says with a smile. "Then it's time to go all out on training." I say. I get to the corner of the court. I breathe in and out. I need to go full speed a head.

Four no six laps. Then practice my jumps. I've been trying new things to improve my jumping. Doing exercises and running in the mornings. I did leg and arm work outs when I got back. Now it's time to run. Run faster than normal.

I get in position. Three two one go. I speed around the court. Maybe ten is better. I've gotten a little faster but not fast enough. I'm just as fast as hinata but I need to go faster than him. I push myself further. The bell rings for what I'm assuming school has ended.

Faster damnit. Have them know you've gotten better. I hear footsteps come closer. Just as they get closer to the door I take another lap. This is only my third one. So I've got plenty to show. The wind blows the teams hair.

"What the hell was that!" I hear blonde mohawk Tanaka. "It went by so fast." A boy with a psp says. "That would be your opponent one of Karasuno's players. Yumi stop when you come back here!" The coach says. I run faster to get to him quicker. I stop at the coach. "Yes sir." I say. "Yumi your opponents. The team that you need to look out for. Boys this is Yumi she plays for Karasuno she didn't get to play much because they switched her out." He says.

"Hey." I say. "Hi." They all say. Kuroo comes in. He picks me up. "What are you doing here?" He asks spins me around then puts me down. I stable myself from the spin. "I asked if I could use the boys volleyball gym so I can practice because I couldn't use my gym since I'm here. So I got permission now I'm here training. I can't let you get way ahead of me. You're already stronger than us so we can't let our guard down just because we can't use our gym. We have to keep practicing to keep up. Well I do to keep up. Daichi didn't come this time." I say.

"So you know each other." Coach says. He doesn't know this maybe bad. With the rivalry between our schools. "Well we know each other cause we're dating. We've been dating since the last game with Karasuno." He says. I blush and look down. The coach is silent for a moment.

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