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Yumi's POV

I put it on speaker so I can keep looking through the movies. "It's been nice. First we went to get donuts. Then we saw a movie. We did go to a festival near the mall but it started snowing. He had a bad feeling about it so we're here. Safe in his house. We're getting pizza he says it's really good. So that's all so far." I say. "Does he make you happy?" She asks. "He does very much. I'm glad that I met him again. I understand why I cried when we had to go back home. He makes me feel like I never want to leave him. Like I want to be by his side forever. That I'll always be safe with him no matter what. I haven't dated anyone before and I know that I'm young. I think he's the one though. Is this what love feels like?" I ask.

"It is. I'm so happy for you. I'm glad that you feel safe with him. That you're so happy. It's what I've always wanted for you." She says and sniffles. "Are you crying?" I ask. "No I'm cutting onions for soup." She says. "Okay. How's Nana doing?" I ask. "She's been on edge about you and Kuroo in this weather. She's also eager to hear all about it so I had you on speaker." She says. "How's her hip doing?" I ask. "Will you stop worrying about me you are on a date! How is my hip going to get better if you aren't smooching on him!" Nana says.

"NANA!" I say embarrassed. "Now go on and git! I'm not expecting great grandbabies for at least a year so hop to it! I'm not getting any younger!" She says. "Okay that's enough out of you!" Mom says. "Just be safe okay. If you do decide to take it that far make sure you use protection." She says. "MOM!" I say my face feels like it's on fire. "What you need to know these things." She says. "Bye mom love you." I say.

"Love you too." She says. I sigh and turn my phone off. "You heard your Nana get to smooching." He says. "Oh God you were listening." I say and cover my face. "Well I did hear other voices so I may have eavesdropped." He says. I get up. "Also I did hear everything. I'm glad you feel that way because I love you too." He says.

"I'm glad." I say with a smile. He kisses me. I kiss him back. He sits on the couch and pats his lap. I sit on his lap and kiss him. We kiss more and hold each other close. The doorbell rings.

I get off and he answer the door. It was the pizza. He sets it on the coffee table and moves the table. "Up." He says. I get up and he pulls a bed from the couch. He fixes it then we get in the bed and eat the pizza. "It is really good." I say. "Told you so." He says.

Time skip

We finished eating. We just got in the covers and talked. "So do you want kids?" I ask shyly. "I do at least two." He says. "Okay." I say and hide my face in his chest blushing. He chuckles. "Do you want kids?" He asks. I nod.

"How many?" He asks. "At least two." I say. "Well then that's the goal. Although it won't be very hard." He says. I hold him tight with my red face in his chest. "You're so perverted." I say. "It's okay though because it's with you. I just can't help it. You really do something to me. Like you've got this magic up your sleeve." He says. "We can't have sex every day or time we meet up." I say.

"Mhm I am capable of holding back at times. Tomorrow I will be a gentleman." He says. "I'll believe it when I see it." I say. "You will until then I'm gonna play with my bad baby bird." He says with a smirk. "I did miss you a lot so I don't mind doing this. I just won't be able to handle it every day. My body is small and not as strong as yours. I don't mind you being rough. It's just I have my limits." I say. "I'm fine with that. I don't want to do it every single day either. I want to spend time with you. Just me and you snuggling doing couple stuff. I'm happy just doing this. I don't want us to be like bunnies all the time." He says.

"Bunnies?" I ask. "I'll show you in a bit." He says. I hold his hand and intertwine our fingers. "I wanna be with you forever too. I want everything that has to do with you. I want to marry you." He say. "I want to marry you too." I say. He leans in for a kiss. I kiss him. He holds me close. It's slow and passionate. "How about we go to my room?" He asks. I nod.



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