Chapter 4

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Pretend Allison and Isaac is up there^

Also seeing as how Stiles got kidnapped, the Nogitsune didn't happen so Allison is still alive and Scott still turned Liam at the beginning of season 4. I wanna say that this is set around mid-season 4 where they are dealing with Kate. I'm making some changes to the way this plays out but you'll see what happens.


The Gladers and Scorchers had all finished showering and getting ready and now they were all heading to the cafeteria for dinner. Rafe had told them they needed to be asked questions about what they went though and remember but that it could wait until tomorrow.

They had all gotten their food and sat down at a table together. When Thomas looked around at the table of friends who were talking and laughing about anything and everything, he realized it was the first time they had eaten a full meal all together since the maze. 

He'd missed it, he'd missed everyone being together having a chance of not worrying about having to get free or escaping grievers and cranks or running from WCKD. It was nice. A moment of peace in the war that has been happening and has yet to end.

"Do you think our families will recognize us?" Teresa asked aloud not looking at anyone. Brenda looks at her seeing her far away look as she says that. She grabs a hold of Teresa's hand, intertwining them, giving it a squeeze. Teresa looks up at her and Brenda gives her a reassuring smile.

Everyone looks at the scene unfold in front of them feeling happy for their friends, especially Thomas. He was especially happy for Teresa because he saw her as a sister and knew Brenda would treat her well and Teresa would do the same. They perfect for each other, just like him and Newt.

"I think if they don't we'll still have each other." Newt responds looking at everyone then at Thomas taking his hand and smiling at him. Thomas smiled back and they finished eating their food. When they were done they went back to their room to get ready for bed.

When everyone was just about toe got to sleep, Teresa and Brenda in one bed and Thomas and Newt also together, they wished each other a good night a went to sleep. It had been about an hour and Thomas could not get his mind to stop thinking so that he could get some rest.

There were so many things happening it was a bit overwhelming. Thomas looked around the room feeling happy that his friends were okay, nervous about seeing his friends and dad again, and worried about what WCKD was going to do with the others. 

Thomas looked over to his side seeing Newt sleeping peacefully nest to him. As he looked at his sleeping lover he realized that didn't have to be nervous or worried because he'd have Newt and the Gladers and Scorchers with him. They were his friends -no- his family.

With that thought he let he eyelids fall, cuddled up closer to Newt and succumbed to the sleep.


The pack sitting around in the loft talking about how to defeat the latest supernatural evil in Beacon Hills, Kate Argent. They were discussing what the plan would be to defeat her. Everyone worried about what would happen because she had just attacked them at the school after lacrosse practice with two berserkers.

It was a long fight and Scott, Isaac, Liam and Kira were beat up pretty bad but they'd heal. They had barely got out before she called them back. "Take this as a warning. I'm coming for Derek and you!" but they didn't stick around to find out where she'd gone.

"Why don't we lure her somewhere and take her on? We get to her before she gets to us." Mason suggested. Mason was a pretty new addition to the pack along with Liam after he'd begged Scott to tell Mason. Scott was hesitant because bringing another human only reminded him a bit more of Stiles, it didn't help that the two were similar in some ways too.

Scott and Derek thought about it thinking it was a good idea. "Okay and I'm guessing you want Derek to be the bait." Scott said. "It makes the most sense. She's after all of us but her main focus is Derek." Lydia said. "Derek?" Scott asked, everyone looking at him for an answer.

"I'm okay with being the bait. She won't far and I'll be waiting to rip her throat out." Derek responded with a shrug and a bit of anger in his voice. Everyone understood why, she was the reason for his family's death. Anyone of them would want revenge.

"So it's settled. We lure her to the nemeton  where we'll be waiting for her." everyone nods their heads in agreement. After about another hour or so of talking the pack left the loft to go home and get some rest before school tomorrow.

When Scott got home he was met with an empty house. He remembered his mom had the night shift at the hospital and his dad got called in for an emergency. He said he'd be gone a couple of days, maybe a week. He'd been gone for about three so Scott figured it's be a week since the next time he saw him.

Scott's father wasn't always there, he wasn't always in Scott's life. He's left a couple years earlier but recently came back claiming he wanted another chance to be apart of his and his mom's lives. Scott wasn't sure if he trusted his dad with that but he'd stuck around for a couple months now and it was 'okay' having him around.

He forgot what it was like to have a father figure in his home, sure the Noah was like a father to him but he wasn't around all the time seeing as he was the Sheriff. After eating dinner, Scott went up to his to get ready for bed. He took a quick shower, put some pajamas on and got under his blanket laying on his bed.

Scott laid in bed thinking about Kate and the attack she made. He thought about the plan and about some of the outcomes but that soon turned into thinking about Stiles. He couldn't help but feel sad at the thought of his best friend. He thought about all the memories he's gained with him and all the things that have happened since his disappearance. Soon Scotts eyes got heavy and he went into a dreamless sleep.


This is kinda late but I am currently grounded so I am doing everything on my laptop and I didn't expect to be with my family for so long but better late than never (or tomorrow).

I hope you had an amazing time with your family and I hope everyone stayed safe and social distanced or stayed in small groups of people so that we prevent the spread of COVID.

Anyway Merry Christmas ya'll! See yo next chapter, much love 💕✌️

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