Chapter 13

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The next day they all woke up, one by one, and started getting ready for their trip to the scorch. They knew that it was in a base camp near Mexico, pretending it some sort of training facility of sorts as to not worry people.

Some of the Right Arm members that didn't get taken, which were little to none, had stayed behind to keep an eye on WCKD so that when they came back they would be able to be caught up and everything would run a lot faster.

Lydia, Frypan and Melissa were the first ones up making breakfast and packing up some extra food and previsions for the trip. After everyone was awake they all ate breakfast together. It was unusually quiet only a bit of conversation to be polite.

"How did you sleep?"


That's good."

"What did you all do last night?"

"Watched a movie."

"That's nice."

Noah, Melissa, Chris and even Peter tried to make it as normal as possible by trying to make the conversation but eventually didn't say anything, probably due to the vague answers and the short responses.

Even without super senses anyone could sense everyone's emotions. Most of the pack was nervous. Some were scared and other were even a little excited. The Gladers and Scorchers however, you could sense the nervousness on them as well but they all held determination.

But none more than Thomas and Teresa. They felt responsible after all, Thomas more than anyone though. They always felt responsible, even when their friends said otherwise. Ever since Thomas remembered and told Teresa and the others in the Glade.

Newt, Minho, and Chuck were all outside Thomas' cell in the pit while Teresa was inside with him. "It's not a prison, it's a test. It all started when we were kids. They'd give us these challenges..."

"They were experimenting on us. And then people started disappearing. Every month, one after the other, like clockwork."

"They were sending up into the maze"

"Yea but not all of us."

"What d'you mean?"

Thomas was hesitant to say the next part. "... Guys I'm one of them. The people who put you hear, I worked with them." everyone looked at him in shock and disbelief but tried not to show it.

"I mean I- I watched you guys for years." Thomas continued, his voice cracking at the towards the end. "The entire time you've been I- I was on the other side of it."

When Thomas finished he looked over at Teresa second before saying "So were you."

"What?" she asked just above a whisper.

"Teresa we did this to them." he said looking at her with with a sad expression. Teresa's eyes brimmed with tears and she shook he head, as if in denial.

"No." she said above a whisper. "That can't be true."

"It is. I saw it."

"W- Why would they send us up if we were with them?"

"It doesn't matter." Thomas said, while Teresa was still in shock and disbelief at what she just heard. It was their fault.

"He's right." Everyone looked over at Newt as he said this. "It doesn't matter. Any of it. Because the people we were before the maze, they don't even exist anymore."

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