Chapter 15

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Thomas stopped the car in front of a gate that was obviously not supposed to be in the middle of the desert along with the other Gladers and Scorchers and the pack. Everyone stepped out of the cars and all looked ahead of them, trying to see beyond the gate.

They could see a cation sign that said 'High Voltage'. "Okay beyond this fence you do as I say. No separating, no arguing. There are no rules. There is no help. You either make it or you die.We are in this together. Everyone gets out. Understood?" everyone nodded at Thomas' words.

They got their things from the car and Thomas said "Alright. Kira, Minho you're up." The siblings nodded at their leader and walked closer towards the fence. The lifted their hands and got a hold of it bringing the electricity to them temporarily disabling the rest of the gate.

This gave their friends enough time to cut a hole through it and get everyone to the other side without getting electrocuted. Once everyone was through Kira let go of the gate letting Minho take the rest of the electricity while she got in to the other side.

On the other side of the fence she grabbed a hold on the fence once again and this time Minho let go to get through. When everyone was safely on the other side Thomas took a deep breath and lead the group of teens to the location sent by the members of the Right Arm that were still left.

They moved fast in order to get to the location before nightfall and try to avoid as many cranks as possible. They came across a few but nothing they couldn't handle. They got to the location as the sun was setting.

The location they were set to meet at was the docks. When they got there they were met by a group of maybe a hundred or so kids and teens. Thomas led them over to a tent where it seemed there were only two people in.

He told the pack to stay outside but let Newt, Minho, Teresa, Brenda, Fry, Aris, Sonya, Harriet, Jorge, and Vince enter. Hesitantly, the pack complied as they watched the others walk into the tent.

The two teens told the others that there was a train that was transporting all of the captured survivors and members of the Right Arm to WCKD. They mentioned that they were just waiting for them to get there to come up with a plan.

Everyone turned towards Thomas already expecting some dumb plan that is risky and dangerous but ends up working anyway. "Okay so I might have a plan." Thomas said noticing the expecting stares of his friends.

After explaining the plan to everyone the agreed, but not without cation, and they walked out of the tent towards the pack. They saw that the pack was talking to some others around a fire so they were hopeful that there was no eavesdropping from some of the weres.

"Hey." Thomas said as the Gladers and Scorchers sat down around the fire. "Hey!" Scott said looking up at his friend. Soon it was dinnertime and Fry had somehow had the time to cook it so they were especially excited for his food.

When it was ready they were each handed a bowl of his famous grub. It was delicious and reminded the Gladers of the times in the maze where they all sat around a fire and got to enjoy a moment of happiness in all the worry and chaos.

After dinner everyone talked for a while but they headed to bed a bit early to get some rest for the days ahead of them. To some it was harder to sleep because of the cries of the cranks that could be heard from a distance.

They were all asleep except for Thomas who couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow's plan. 'It has to work.' he thought as his eyes got heavy with sleep.


The next morning the Gladers and Scorchers didn't eat much breakfast as they were in a hurry to get ready for the plan. The pack noticed the rushing and asked what was going to happen. With a heavy sigh Thomas answered.

"Okay we've got a plan. There's a train transporting the ones captured to WCKD. We are going to try and ambush it." "We're coming with you." "No you're not. We can handle this. You stay here and try to learn as much about WCKD and the scorch as you can so you're ready."

"If you need to you can listen in on the mission with this walkie but you are  to stay here. Got it?" Thomas said handing Scott the walkie. Scott huffed out a 'Fine.' and took the walkie from Thomas' hand.

With that the Gladers and Scorcher's walked out towards the Jeep Cherokee's that were waiting right outside for use. They turned on the ignitions and heard the cars purr to life. Everyone piled into Brenda and Jorge's car while Thomas and Vince were in the other.

When everyone was ready and a time was set Brenda and Jorge went one way while Vince and Thomas went the other. The pack saw as their new found friends drove off into a possibly dangerous mission.

As they watched them get smaller and smaller the thought of them being there became more and more useless. With a sigh they turned to go towards the other members to get some information but Scott had something on his mind.

He thought back to something Stiles had once said 'I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile, okay? Sarcasm is my only defense!' Scott chuckled at how far from true that statement now was. He was tanner, definitely heavier, and he used little to no sarcasm now.

Thomas was so different from Stiles yet they were the same person. In that moment Scott thought 'You were never fragile Stiles.' as he stepped into the tent with the rest of the pack and the others started explaining things like cranks, grievers, WCKD, Ava Paige, and Jansen.

They also learned that they liked to call Jansen 'Rat man' when Thomas started calling him that. It made them laugh. It reminded them of Stiles, he was always one for making up names. It reminded them of the name Stiles used to call Derek. Sourwolf.


I'm tired of running TW/TMR (Newtmas)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora