Chapter 1

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Thomas woke up taking a big breath of air trying to catch his breath. He looked around confused and scared, not knowing where he was.

The Gladers opened the box to see who the new addition to the Maze was this month. Low and behold Thomas (although they didn't know that yet) was inside looking exactly like everyone else before coming up in the box.

Gally down into the box, looking at the boy and said "Day 1 greenie."
The Gladers were gathered around the entrance of the maze waiting for Minho and Alby to get back before it closes. The gears started turning and the walls started moving closer to each other, all of a sudden someone yells "There!"

They look up at the maze to see Minho carrying an unconscious Alby trying to get through to the glade before the maze closes. The Gladers start cheering Minho on trying to encourage him to keep going and to hurry or go faster (Gally saying to leave Alby behind).

While everyone was yelling Thomas was thinking, drowning out the noise, knowing they they were not going to make so right before the forra closed he runs into the maze having the doors close behind him.
Thomas and Minho were trying to get Alby hung up high above them with a vine so that he wouldn't get eaten by grievers. As they were pulling him up Minho heard a noise come from the tunnel next to them.

He looks over into the tunnel trying to see what the noise was. He saw a griever looking around, slowly coming towards them. He was struck with fear "Sorry greenie.." Thomas looks back at Minho confused.

Minho let's go of the vine and runs the the opposite direction of the griever leaving Thomas struggling to keep Alby up. When Thomas realized the griever he pulls Alby as high and as fast as he can before tying the vine off at the bottom of the wall.

As the griever got closer he tries to find somewhere to hide and ends up hiding behind the vines on the floor, holding his breath hoping that the griever doesn't see him. When he saw the metal spider legs looking around for someone to eat, Thomas prays it doesn't see him.

Once the griever walks away Thomas starts running to get away.
When Thomas caught up to Minho the griever was on his tail. They both ran towards a wall the was changing, beginning to close. Minho ran through it but soon realized Thomas wasn't behind him.

He looks across the tunnel to see Thomas standing in the other side waiting for the griever. When the griever sees Thomas he yells "Come on!" wanting the griever to follow him. When it does he runs as fast as he can towards Minho not looking back as the walls are getting closer and closer, the griever right behind him.

He finally gets through, barely before the walls close crushing the griever inside and killing it. They see the sun start to come up in the sky and decide to get Alby and get the hell out of the maze. Once they untie him, they carry him to front doors to find all the Gladers waiting, hoping for them to show up.

When they get to the glade the medics immediately take Alby to the medical tent and leave the rest of the Gladers looking at Minho and Thomas in shock. They had survived a night in the maze.

"Did you see a griever?"

"We didn't just see one, Thomas killed it."
The was coming up, it had only been a couple days since Thomas got there so it shouldn't have been moving but it was. When the box got all the way up Newt opened it revealing another greenie. "It's a girl." Newt says. The girl was unconscious and had shallow breathing. "There's something in her hand." Newt grabbed the note from her hand and read it aloud. "She's the last one EVER."

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