• Whispers in the Great Hall •

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Me and Harvey were walking back to the common room after our Divination class. We were laughing at how mad Professor Tralawney is.

"You will be dead in a week!!!" he mocked her.

We both laughed at his surprisingly accurate impression of Trelawney.

Our laughter died down as we approached the Fat Ladies Portrait. Most of the Gryffindor students were waiting in a huddle outside.

"Harvey, what's going on?" I questioned him. He was a good bit taller than me which made it easier for him to see over all the students heads.

"It's Dumbledore!" he sighed

"What?" I questioned

"Yeah, he's talking to Peeves and-" he stopped talking and his jaw fell open and his eyes went wide.

"T-the fat ladies gone!"

There was a long pause before he continued.

"And her portraits been ripped."

"Ripped?" I questioned, not understanding what was happening.

I started shoving a few scared looking first years out of the way so I could see what was happening. Sure enough, the portrait that usually held an annoying Fat lady ...was ripped. It had been done quite viciously. It almost looked as if a giant bear had gotten into the school and attacked her.

The clogs were spinning in my brain as I tried to figure out what was going on.
Suddenly it all fell into place when I heard Dumbledore say something.

"Sirius Black?" he muttered underneath his breath.

My heart seemed to drop into my stomach.

The notorious Sirius Black. Why was he in the school? Why had he attacked the Fat Lady? What would have happened if he got into the common room?

My mind was racing and I didn't register any of the students leaving until I found a steady hand on my shoulder.

I turned my head and saw Harvey, looking equally as worried.

"Come on Y/n we better go follow the others," he whispered, putting his arm around my shoulders and we walked in silence behind the  other students.

Soon, we arrived at the Great Hall to see all the houses inside. There was little sleeping bags covering the entire floor.

"Y/n ! Thank god your safe," I heard someone say from the side of the room. Before I knew it I was wrapped in a tight embrace. I recognized his smell immediately and hugged him tighter.

"Of course I'm safe Georgie" I mumbled into his chest.

"Come on you too let's get a corner together," Fred shouted from across the room.

Me, George and Harvey all grabbed a sleeping bag and walked towards Fred, Saphire and Lee.

We all laid down our sleeping bags in a circle.

"Fred get off you're too close, I can barely breath!" George sneered at Fred.

Fred slapped George's arm, making George wince. It didn't take long for George to punch him back. Soon they were having a petty little fight over space.

I rolled my eyes and let out a deep sigh. I stood up from where I was previously sitting beside Harvey and walked over to the two of them.

I kicked George lightly on the leg and he looked up with me, Fred took this chance to whack him on the top of his head.

"You too are so childish," I sighed. "Move over I'll have to be the peace keeper."

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