• An Invitation •

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"Y/n - Saphire, get up" came a whining voice from above me.

I slowly opened my eyes to see a fully dressed Harvey standing over me.

He let out a dramatic huff as he grabbed the end of my blanket and gave it a hard yank. Goosebumps began to form all over my arms and legs from the sudden cold air.

"Nooo" I moaned.

It was Saturday morning and I wanted to sleep in.

"What do you want?" shouted Saphire, throwing a pillow at Harvey.

"Come on, we're going to have a snow ball fight" said Harvey as he crossed his arms.

It was clear that he wasn't leaving until we joined him. I reluctantly threw my legs over the side of my bed and rubbed my eyes in attempt to wake myself up.

Me and Saphire got dressed in the cosiest clothes we could find as Harvey left to get ready for the fight himself.

"Ughhh" Saphire complained, "We're going to be freezing, it's absolutely Baltic outside."

She was right, it had to be one of the coldest winters I had ever experienced.

A slight grin creeped onto my face and Saphire noticed straight away.

"What are you grinning at?" She questioned me with a slight elbow to my arm.

I dropped the not so warm jacket I was about to put on and ran over to the window where I saw Fred, George, Lee, Harvey, Angelina and Katie in the snow.

"Follow me" I said to Saphire with a mischievous look on my face.

Without waiting for a reply, I ran out of the dormitories followed closely by Saphire.

She followed me all the way up to the boys dormitories where we tip-toed along the corridor until we reached Fred, George, Harvey and Lee's room.

I opened the door cautiously and peered inside.

No one was there.

"Come on" I whispered and grabbed her hand, pulling her into the empty room with me.

I walked over to the bed that I knew was George's, beside it was was a wardrobe full of George's clothes.

Rummaging through it and I pulled out two big winter jackets.

"Here" I said to Saphire, tossing her a blue jacket.

She looked extremely thankful as she wrapped herself in the huge jacket.

I pulled out one of George's quidditch jumpers and put that on over my shirt. Then I grabbed a red jacket which had fleece on the inside and looked very warm.

Smiling at Saphire, we crept back out of the boys dormitories and walked arm in arm down to the grounds where we met the rest of the group.

"Finally the sleeping beauties are up" shouted Fred from behind a snow mound him and George were building.

Saphire rolled her eyes and I took a dramatic bow in their direction, laughing at Fred's comment.

We split up into two teams

- Harvey Fred, George and Lee on one team.

- Me, Saphire, Angelina and Katie on the other.

Both teams were hidden behind a man made snow wall. As we gathered snow and formed them into large balls, we discussed tactics.

"Okay me and Katie will take on Fred and George because we're the tallest" explained Angelina.

"Then Y/n and Saphire" she said looking at us both. "You take Lee and Harvey"

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