• A Knight in Shining Armour •

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I could see the light creeping through the curtains as the sun rose. I pulled the sheets tighter around my body, as if that would help me.

It was Tuesday morning and I didn't want to face everyone.

"Come on darling," Saphire cooed in her comforting voice. She sat on the side of my bed, not looking at me.

"I don't want everyone looking at me, or talking about me. I wish no one knew."

She let out a deep sigh and threw me a knowing look.

"Do you want me to tell the Professors your sick?"

"Yes please!" I said in a sing song voice.

"I'll see you after classes and we can talk about this if you want."

She squeezed my hand before getting up and leaving the room. Once she left, I buried my head further into my pillow. I didn't think I would be this embarrassed when the news of me being a Malfoy came out.

I guess people don't actually know if it's true or not. But considering the way I reacted, I think it's obviously true. I just didn't want people's judging eyes all over me through out the day. I didn't want the stupid questions that I didn't have the answers to.


I wished now more than ever that I had them. That I knew who my mother was. 

I slowly left the comfort of my bed against my will and walked towards the mirror.

Did she have the same hair as me?  The same eyes maybe? I definitely didn't look like a Malfoy so...I must look like my mum. Did she give me my Quidditch skills? Do I have her determination and resilience?

I groaned and sat back down on my bed. I needed to get out of this cramped room. So that's exactly what I did.

I threw on some comfy clothes and left the dormitory. Everyone was in class so I had no problem getting around without being scene.

I walked straight to the courtyard where my favourite bench was. Where me and George had shared so many talks. Non the less it was a comfort to be sitting there again.

After around half an hour of me sitting with my thoughts, I saw a familiar figure walking towards me.


"Hey," I greeted her.

"Hey, I feel like I haven't seen you in ages."

"Sorry I wasn't in class today with you and George I just needed some alone time."

"You missed out on a lot," she said dramatically.

I made a confused face at her and gestured for her to keep going.

"Well," she started. "First of all me and George were going over defensive charms and Robbie Phillips started making fun of you saying you 'may have Malfoy blood but you were too much of a coward to show up to class."

My breath hitched in my throat as she told me this.

"BUT, out of no where George turned around and grabbed him by his collar and threw him across the classroom. Of course Flitwick was going mad trying to find his wand. In the mean time George was punching the shit out of Robbie. He was even sent to the hospital wing!"

My eyes were wide with shock from her story.

"Did that actually happen?"

"Yesss, George stood you for you big time, he's a keeper. He's like your knight in shining armour."

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