• The Boggart •

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Me and Saphire walked arm in arm down to the dungeons for our first DADA class of the year.

There was a new professor and Harry had told us he was quite good. He also mentioned that the new Professor, Lupin, had shown them a Boggart.

Saphire seemed very excited about seeing a Boggart and wouldn't stop talking about how she hoped Professor Lupin would teach our class about them too.

"I'm almost certain I'll see dads cooking when I'm confronted with a Boggart, Saphire told me. "His Stew is partially scary."

We both laughed and talked some more about this mysterious Boggart we hoped to be greeted with in class.

"If I'm being honest" I started "I've no idea what I'm most scared of, maybe my broom being broken..."

Saphire clutched her stomach laughing at me.

"Y/n you can't be serious."

"Says the one who's scared of a stew!" I said sarcastically.

"Oh shut up," she said with a playful punch.


We arrived at the entrance to the DADA room and were greeted with our whole group.
Me and Saphire approached the group, George, Fred, Harvey and Lee stood staring back at us.

"Hey I forgot we all had DADA together," Harvey Harvey happily.

"This is great," George said, rubbing his hands together mischievously.

"What is?" I said, quirking my eyebrow up at him inquisitively.

"Well since the whole group is here we can all practice on each other," he smirked

"Girls against boys," I said as I wrapped my arm loosely around Saphire's shoulders.

Saphire popped her hip outwards and we both put our hand on our waists, looking very confidently at the boys.

"Awh isn't that cute," Harvey said while ruffling our hair, "they think they can take on all of us at DADA," he said towards the boys.

"Challenge accepted," declared Fred and George in unison.

Whipping our hair behind us, me and Saphire strutted into the classroom. We laughed quietly to ourselves, not letting the boys see.


"Good morning ladies and gentlemen," said the tall, thin man at the front of the classroom.
"I am Professor Lupin and I am your new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher."

We all listened curiously to the interesting man talking infront of us.

Everyone seemed to be listening carefully to his  ever word. About 10 minutes into class Angelina Johnson raised her hand.

"Sir, Lupin, sir.. are we going to be facing a Boggart today?" she stuttered

"Ahh you've been talking to my third years," he said with a short chuckle.

He showed us where he kept his Boggart and asked the class a few questions about what we knew about Boggarts, we have learnt about them two years ago from Professor Quirrell so we were able to answer most of his questions.

"Okay would you like to see one for yourselves" announced Professor Lupin.

The class all seemed very excited at what he was offering and soon enough the whole class was standing in a line infront of a large wardrobe which seemed to contain the Boggart.

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