• The Truth •

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I couldn't help but start to daydream as I sat in front of Professor Sprout in Herbology.

The greenhouses always had an odd smell to them.

At the end of class I went do leave but Professor Sprout called me back.

"Yes Professor?"

"Neville told me to give you this Ms.Wood."

She handed me a small black box that had been sealed with muggle tape.

"Oh! Thank you Professor!"

I took the box and left the greenhouse where I met Fred, who was waiting for me.

"What did she want?" He asked. "And what's that?"

He pointed at the box with a suspicious expression.

"I think I know!" I said before peeling back the tape and opening the lid.

Inside was a few long shaped green plants. They were about a centimetre thick and 6 inches long.

"What the!?" George said.

"Lobblygong!" I squealed.

"Lobbly- what now ?" George mocked. "What in Merlin's beard is that?"

"Want to taste test some?" I said, holding out one of the plants and raising an eyebrow at him.

"Please!" He scoffed. "I'm the master at trying products, I'm not gonna be your test rat!"

I laughed and rolled my eyes at him, putting the plant back into the box and resealing it.

"It's that herb I told you about, the one that makes your whole body go all wobbly goop!" I explained

"No way!" He exclaimed. "Let's go give some to Dumbledore!"

"Dumbledore?" I questioned. "Why would we give it to Dumbledore."

"Because he's coming this way, look!"

I looked towards the castle and the saw the majestic figure of Albus Dumbledore, walking towards us.

"Is he coming over here?" I asked.

"It kinda looks like it."

A few moments later, Dumbledore was standing right beside us.

"Headmaster!" I beamed.

"Good-afternoon children," he said with a slight bow of his head.

"Is there anything we can help you with?" Fred asked.

"Actually Ms.Wood, can you come with me," he said.

I looked at Fred then back at Dumbledore and nodded at him. I thrusted the box of lobblygong into Fred's arm and walked up to the castle side by side with Dumbledore.

He walked with me all the way to his office in silence until we spoke to the two gargoyles.

"Strawberry sickle suckers!" He announced.

The gargoyles moved and a winding staircase appeared.

When we got into his office I was immediately in awe of the paintings and spinning silver tools.

But then my whole body froze to the spot when I saw, sitting in chairs infront of a desk...

Mum, Dad and Oliver.

"Mum, Dad!" I said in shock.

My mum stood up and walked over to me and gave me a squishy hug.

When she leaned out of the hug she cupped my face with both hands and I could see tears in her eyes.

"I love you," she said, in a barely audible voice.

"Mum! What's wrong!" I asked.

I held her wrists with my hands and looked into her eyes pleadingly.

She took my hand and guided me over to the chairs.

We both sat down and my dad couldn't look me in the eye.

"Oliver what's going on?" I pleaded.

He didn't answer me but instead looked at me with a very surprised- confused and annoyed look.

My heart was pounding and I could feel my palms becoming sweaty.

Then I saw Dumbledore lift a piece of parchment from his desk. It was my letter.

"You want answers," he said simply.

Obviously I want answers you old man!

"Yes please!" I replied.

At the same moment my mum dropped her head into her hands and began sobbing. My dad put a hand on her shoulder and looked deeply sorrowful.

"Mum are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry," she said. "I'm just emotional."

I looked back at Dumbledore for answers but he just gestured towards my dad.

I looked again at my father, practically begging for someone to tell me what was going on.

"Y/n, you're adopted."

My heart dropped to my stomach and no words could form at my lips.

I stopped, completely still and stared at my dad.

With thoughts whirring through my brain, I tried to think of something to say, but as hard as I tried to hold it together - I could feel the tears appearing in the corners of my eyes and I let out a shaky breath.

Oliver was now looking at the wall behind Dumbledore, saying nothing.

"What?" is all I managed to say.

My mum inhaled deeply to compose herself.

"We adopted you at a very young age, I'd say you were only a month old!" She started to explain.

"And who?"

"Your father?" My dad finished. 

"You're my dad!" I said firmly.

He smiled at my words and bowed his head slightly.

"Your biological dad," he repeated himself. 

"I don't want to know!"

I was being honest, I had my family right here in front of me and I didn't want to complicate anything. 

"That's the thing-" Dumbledore interrupted. "You need to know."

"I don't need to do anything," I shot back at him.

"Y/n!" My mum said, sounding horrified.

I looked at her and my facial muscles softened as I took her hand.

"Mum, you're my family and I don't need a second one, biological or not!"

She clutched her heart and let out another soft sob.

"Y/n, it's important you know the whole truth," my father convinced me.

I nodded at him and expected him to explain but instead Dumbledore started talking.

Can't this man see I'm trying to have a family moment here!

"You're biological father...is Lucius Malfoy."

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