• The Astronomy Tower •

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Rage towards Cedric filled every inch of my body as I ran through the halls of Hogwarts, trying to find Saphire and George.

This situation could not be worse!

Saphire was clearly furious with me. She thought I had just kissed her crush of 5 years.

But George- I wasn't sure what George would be thinking, it's not like we were official or anything, but the look on his face made my heart shatter.

My brain was in overload, thinking of all the bad things that could happen in the next 24 hours.

I turned a corner and immediately, it hit me.

Me and Saphire had discovered a deserted hallway near the dungeons in our 3rd year.

Would she be there?

I quickly picked up my pace and went straight past to where the dungeons where. I crawled through a gap in the wall, making sure no one saw me. I continued down another corridor and took a turn at the end.

There she was, sitting on a small sofa, wrapped in a fluffy blanket. Her eyes were red and she was sobbing lightly.

Our eyes met and a she threw a hateful look at me.

"Saphire," I barely whispered.

She looked away and didn't utter a word.

"Saphire I'm so sorry," I apologised. "Me and Cedric were just talking, and a-all of a sudden he-"

My breath hitched in my throat and I could feel the heat coming to my eyes. I was begging myself not to cry.

But one look at her broken face and the tears escaped my eyes.

"He just kissed me and I - I pushed him back straight away,"

"Y/n just stop," she blurted out. "Cedric made me happy, I loved spending time with him and you just had to go and kiss him!?,"

My breathing was starting to get heavy and I could see Saphire's fists clenched.

"Why would you do this to me? Your best friend," she continued. "I just don't understand,"

She could no longer contain her tears either as they poured freely down her rosy cheeks.

"No Saphire!" I pleaded. "You have to believe me, I would never ever want to hurt you,"

I was starting to get desperate for her to understand me.

"Saphire I love you so so much, you couldn't possibly think I would do anything to hurt you,"

"But Y/n, you have hurt me, he's so good-looking, I don't blame you for liking him,"

"I don't like him like that," I sobbed. "I like someone else!"

My heart was beating so hard at this point and my palms were sweating.

Did I just say that?

We both fell silent, the only sound was our uneven breathing.

"You do?" She asked.

I nodded my head but I couldn't bare to look her in the eye.

"Please Saphire, I wouldn't lie to you,"

She stood up and placed her hand on my arm.

"I know you wouldn't," she said.

I looked at her and my heart seemed to swell.

"Oh, thank you!" I squealed, pulling her into a hug. "I don't know what I'd do if you were mad at me,"

"I'm sorry Y/n my emotions just took over! I should have talked to you first,"

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