• Lucius Malfoy •

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A/n : I have attached a link to an edit I made of the Weasley twins, enjoy :) <3


The the platinum blonde man that my Boggart had shown me was now right infront of me.

He was sitting in a large emerald green- cushioned chair with his head in his hands. He was slightly rocking back and forth and was muttering something under his breath

Across from him, was a woman with medium length brown hair with strips of blonde going through it. She was sobbing harshly into a tissue which she clutched tightly in her right hand. Her other hand was steadying herself on a table.

Confusion coursed through my body as I observed the scenes happening in front of me.

Before long, the tall, thin woman, who had been sobbing, spoke loudly and you could hear pain in her voice.

"How could you do this to our family" she practically screamed at the man.

She turned around throwing glares at Lucius.

My heart was beating more than it ever had before as I watched.

"How could you do this to me-" she continued. "How am I ever supposed to look anyone in the eye again after what you did? You have brought shame to the family. Shame!" she seemed to get angrier with every word but Lucius just looked up at her not saying a word.

His eyes were red as if he had not slept in days. His clothes were loose and dirty and his hair was untidy.

"What are we supposed to do now, you don't expect me to keep it, or bring it into my home. It would be a reminder of your disgrace everytime I looked at it" she bellowed.

Before she could continue, Lucius jumped to his feet and stormed over in her direction.

"Do you expect me to know Narcissa" he screamed.

I wouldn't have been surprised if the portraits on the walls had fallen off because of how loud his voice traveled.

I had never heard such a frightening scream in my life.

"Narcissa...where have I heard that name before" I thought to myself.

"I didn't think this would happen, I just mixed with the wrong people and I can promise you... that will never happen again" continued Lucius.

With that he grabbed both of the woman's wrists and squeezed them tightly. She whimpered in pain and nearly fell to the floor.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again, I am the reason you are here,  without me you would be nothing. You should remember that next time you want to insult me" he continued to scream.

He shoved the woman back a bit and she collapsed on the floor in a heap of shivers and sobs.

An elderly man who shared the same hair as Lucius was in a portrait above the doorframe and as Lucius walked out of the room, the portrait gave him an approving nod.

"That's right, keep her in place son," the portrait spoke.

Lucius stopped abruptly and looked at the portrait. Without saying anything he continued walking out of the room.

My breathing was so heavy at this point and I was more frightened than I had ever been before.

Where was I?

Why was no one addressing me when I was sitting right here?

I wanted to badly to go and comfort the inconsolable Narcissa who was still crouched one the floor.

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