• Bridal Style •

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I gazed out the big frosty windows at the specks of snow falling. A blanket of gorgeous white snow was now covering the ground and I admired how pretty Hogwarts looked in the winter. 

I was in Charms class with George to my left and Aleena on my right. Draco, Blaise and Pansy were sitting directly behind us.

Professor Flitwick was writing on a large piece of parchment at the top of the classroom.

He had assigned us a 6 inch essay on the significance of wand movements. I, of course, had finished 5 minutes previously and was now giving Aleena tips on her essay.

"No you spelt most of them wrong" I giggled while pointing at a few hexes that Aleena had written.

She sighed dramatically and put her head in her hands with her elbows resting on the desk.

"Why are you so good" she whined. "I think Professor Flitwick has a shrine of you in his office at this point. You're the best student he's ever had."

As the words left her mouth I heard a scoff come from behind me. It was Blaise.

I rolled my eyes and continued to stare out the window at the delicate snow.

As I was day-dreaming I felt a hand graze my thigh. I jumped ever so slightly at the feeling and looked to my left. George was writing with his head quite close to his parchment and was still looking dead straight at his half finished essay.

I looked down at my lap. His right hand had slid up from my knee to just where my skirt ended on my thigh. It tickled slightly and even though it was a small gesture my heart was palpitating out of my chest at the feeling.

I returned my gaze to his face and saw a cheeky smirk plastered on it. I smiled in return, blushing harshly. 

I shot a glance at Aleena and she was staring back at me with wide eyes.

"So sexy" she mouthed dramatically to me.

I bit my lip and shrugged my shoulders at her. I was surprised at George's confidence but I had to confess I loved his hand on my thigh.

"Get a room" came a nasty voice from behind us.

I looked around slightly embarrassed that Blaise was looking at me with a scowl on his face.

"Why?" questioned George. "You jealous?"
George tilted his head in a suggestive way at Blaise.

Blaise looked furious and stared at George for a few seconds without saying a word. He only returned to look at his parchment when Draco gave him a hard elbow in the rib.

I looked at George with an expression that was a mix of surprise and enjoyment. He smiled back at me.

Leaning in towards my ear he whispered. 
"I noticed him looking at you so I thought I'd make him jealous."

My heart dropped and the smile fell off my face at once.

George was only holding my thigh because of Blaise. For a moment I nearly thought he wanted to touch me and I was even more ashamed that I wanted him to touch me.

I know I shouldn't be annoyed over this but I couldn't help it.

I swiped his hand off my thigh and lay my head in my left hand so I was facing Aleena and didn't have to look at George.

I wasn't sure if Aleena had heard what had happened but I was thankful that she didn't talk to me for the rest of class.

As soon as the bell rang to dismiss the class, I jumped up and swung my bag over my shoulder. I hurried as quick as I could out of the room and down the bright corridor which was quickly filling with students.

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