• A Bit of Action •

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After an amazing week at the Burrow, everyone was back at Hogwarts, greeting all their friends they hadn't seen over the break.

I was walking towards the dungeons when Aleena strolled around the corner and noticed me.

"Exactly the woman I'm looking for," I grinned at her. "How are you?" I asked while wrapping her in a hug.

"Oh I had a wonderful Christmas! Me and mum spent most of our time talking or playing games together." She replied.

She linked her arm with mine and started walking.

"You've been in the Slytherin common room before, haven't you?" She questioned.

"Erm- no actually,"

"Oh it's stunning, you'll love it!"

We stopped abruptly in front of a cobble stone wall.

"Pure blood" Aleena said.

She looked at me with an apologising look.

"Typical Slytherins to put the password as that I know" she said and slightly laughed. 

A small corridor appeared in the wall and we started walking again.

After turning the corner I saw a small hole in the wall.

"Is that a- slide?" I said with astonishment.


Aleena grabbed both sides of the slide and propelled herself forwards and she slid down the slide and out of sight.

I was a little shocked. How did I never know this existed?

I heard voices come from behind me which scared me enough to sit on the edge of the slide and push myself forward.

After few seconds I had whizzed out the end of the tunnel and landed on my hunkers.

I hastily covered myself with my robe because my skirt had flown up a bit and I looked up at Aleena who was grinning at me.

"Takes some time to get used to" she said while holding a hand out to help me up.

I looked around me at the gorgeous common room that I had never seen before.

The walls were a dark grey and the lights hung low but were emitting a green glow. I could see the two staircases to the dormitories in the corner beside a round table in which some students were chatting away.

I ran my hand over the dark leather sofa in admiration. 

Aleena plopped herself down on one of the sofas and patted on the space beside her, indicating that I sit down.

I happily did. 

We were sitting by a giant marble fireplace but there was no fire lit.

"So, tell me all about your Christmas at the burrow" she cocked one eyebrow as she said the last two words.

"Why did you say  it like that?" I giggled.

"Because! A whole week being the only girl in a house with 5 sexy boys!"

I laughed harder at her.

"No! I wasn't Aleena, Ginny was there"

"Well they're not gonna go shagging their sister are they?"

I slapped my hand over my mouth. Aleena never had a filter but that's why I loved her.

"This is why you're in Slytherin and not Hufflepuff" I hissed at her.

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