• Draco's warning •

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I said by goodbyes to Fred, George, Lee, Harvey, Saphire and Aleena as they left for Hogsmeade that weekend.

I had woke up with a bad headache and I felt dizzy, so I decided to sit this one out.

George wrapped one arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him whispering-

"Hope you feel better soon angel!"

-in my ear.

His words made the butterflies in my stomach dance like there was no tomorrow.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"Get me something nice?" I said playfully.

"Hmm I'll think about it."

I just rolled my eyes at him and soon enough all 6 of them began their walk to Hogsmeade.

I sighed and held my forehead with my hand.

Why wasn't there a spell for curing a headache?

I eventually decided to go on a walk around the grounds to try and get some fresh air.

The castle felt very empty because of how many students had gone.

I strolled around the castle and walked towards the Black Lake.

It was a warm day and the lake was looking misty and gorgeous.

As I approached the lake I sat down on the grass with my legs crossed.

It was peaceful sitting down here, definitely good for my head.


I heard a male voice behind me and I opened my eyes to see Draco Malfoy standing there, his hair flapping slightly with the summer breeze.

"Oh, hey Draco," I greeted him.

"Do you mind if I sit?"

He was being very respectful which I liked. It was not a known characteristic of a Malfoy.

"Sure!" I said, patting the grass beside me.

He shuffled on down beside me and sat with his knee's bent and his arms draped over his legs.

We both stared out across the lake for a while, before Draco finally broke the silence.

"Y/n....about your dreams."

"Oh Draco! Please don't start again!" I pleaded.

"Stop and listen to me for fucks sake!" He barked.

I was caught off guard and fell silent.

"You need to understand..." he said, looking guilty.

"Understand what?" I asked.

"I can't tell you Y/n, it's not my place."

I was looking at him confused but he kept his gaze on the lake.

"You need to tell your parents you want to know the truth, or at least tell Oliver or Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore?" I exclaimed.

"Yes! He knows too, he's been keeping the secret too."

"Draco wtf!" I said. "You need to tell me or at least give me a hint."

"Please calm down Y/n, if I could I would."

I grabbed his arm in desperation.

"But Draco you can tell me, I won't tell anyone that you told me, I promise!"

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