Chapter 36

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The pair brought other miscellaneous items and before they knew it, the trolly was complete full. "I reckon we had better get ourselves a second trolly Lou, still got a couple extra bits we need to get!" James spoke, winking at Louis. The little one smiled delightfully at the man, he was having so much fun shopping, and followed him back to the front of the store to collect a second trolly. Louis face lit up when James said that he could push the new trolly, he had never got to do that before. Of course James made sure to get a slightly smaller trolly, so that Louis could actually see over the handle bars and be able to twist it around corners without too much hassle.

Louis followed James as they entered the baby isle and shyly helped the man pick out which pull-ups were his size and the rash cream that his mummy buys for him. He was a little embarrassed to be doing this but no one else was in the isle so it turned out alright. Louis cheered up a little when James said that he could pick out a couple new dummies to have, using the excuse that you could never have too many as they were easily lost and handy to have in all areas of the camp site. The small boy eagerly picked out a purple Moana dummy which was attached to a clip by pretty purple beads on a string, a red power rangers dummy and a plain white one that had a tiny cuddly giraffe attached to it, it having reminded him of the story his mummy had told him about feeding giraffes the other night. James happily watched on as Louis placed each dummy into his trolly before leading him to a back isle in the store.

"What are we getting now James?" Louis asked as they stood in front of a counter, a man stood behind and happily greeting the two.

"Fireworks Lou, thought we could celebrate an excellent first week of summer camp!" The man happily replied. He beckoned Louis to come over to him before lifting him up by his armpits and  placing his on his hip, Louis looking at him curiously. "I want you to help me pick out which fireworks will be best" James spoke, pointing a figure to all of the boxes behind the man at the counter. Louis eyes scanned over all of the pictures of the different types of fireworks, pointing out the rainbow ones to the man. James brought enough for a decent fireworks display as well as a couple dozen packs of sparklers for everyone to use and placing them all in the trolly Louis was pushing.

It was now getting rather difficult for Louis to push his trolly due  to the added weight so James resulted to standing between the two and pushing both himself. It was a semi difficult task but thankfully the isles were plenty wide enough for him to fit through. As they were approaching the checkouts, they were called over by another worker at a small sample booth. James pushed both trolleys over to the side out of the way and took Louis by the hand over to the worker.

"Good morning! Would you two like to try some of our delicious new strawberry yogurt?" She asked with a bright smile. Louis looked up at James with bright pleading eyes. The man chuckled, reaching over to ruffle his hair with the hand that wasn't intertwined with his little fingers as he nodded his head at the lady. She handed the pair out little ice cream cups filled with strawberry yoghurt and small plastic spoons.

"Thank you so much miss!" Louis replied adorably which made the worker coo at him. Louis blushed and looked down at his yoghurt and began to dig in whilst James and the worker casually chatted for a couple minutes.

It wasn't long before the pair thanked the worker again, having enjoyed the yoghurt and placed their cups and spoons in the bin and made their way back to the very full trolleys. Louis helped James to stack all of the items on to the convilerbelt, like he always did when grocery shopping with his mummy and watched eagerly as the worker scanned through all of the items. His face lit up once again when he eyed James packing the water pistols into the shopping bags which both James and the worker chuckled adoringly at.

Louis stood by the side of the car as he watched James load all of the heavy shopping bags into the boot. "Watch your fingers little Lou!" James spoke as he went to shut the boot. Louis took a step back and put his hands behind his back, again just like the routine his mummy had taught him. James beamed at the lad before asking if he needed to go to the potty before they headed back to the camp. Louis shyly nodded before James took his hand once again and led him back into the store.

Louis was quick to go to the toilet, having James stand outside his stall as he never liked locking the door when he was on his own and his mummy would usually just come into the cubicle with him out of convenience if he needed any help. James watched as he washed his hands, having to hike him up and set him on his bend knee to reach the handryer before they were good to leave the store again.

"Right then munchkin, lets get back and see everyone, I'm sure they've missed you!" James chucked, reaching over and tickling Louis' tummy from where he was sat back in the passenger seat. James watched as Louis giggled and squirmed in the seat before calming down and sitting up straight on the chair once again, cushion still working as an effective enough booster seat. Louis clicked his seatbelt in before James began the driver back to the summer camp. 

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