Chapter 45

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When the pair made it back to the boy's room, James gently shifted Louis onto his hip, holding his entire weight with one arm as the other reached out to grab a clean towel from its place in the cabinets, expertly unravelling it and laying it down smooth on top of Niall's bed with one hand. James then softly scooped Louis up under his armpits, the little one pliant in his hold as he was settled down on top of the towel. The man then moved back to the cabinets and came back to the boy's side, changing supplies in hand. Louis blinked up at James with wide blue eyes peaking out from where the little one had brought his stuffed animal up to rest on his face, the tummy of the toy moving up and down slightly from the movement of the Moana dummy still being suckled at by the boy. James smiled softly at the sight. "Right then my little angel, shall we get you feeling better again?" The man cooed.

Louis nodded in reply, a small and only slightly audible "yeah" being heard through the layers of plastic dummy and furry toy. James nodded too, smile calm and reassuring as he brought his hands down to the hem of Louis' pyjama top, lifting it to expose his tummy and resting the bunched up fabric on his chest. He then lowered his hands and slowly pulled the little ones pyjama trousers off his little legs, folding the fabric up and placing it neatly beside the boy on the bed.  

After receiving another nod of consent from the small boy, James reached down and gently tore apart the seams of the pull-up, treating it as a nappy on a newborn so the little one wasn't suffering with unnecessary movement that would only irritate his skin further. Already knowing the drill, Louis planted his feet at the bottom of the towel, pushing on his feet and shoulders so his hips lifted up off the towel. James slid the used garment out from under the boy and placed it into a nappy sack, tying up the ends and placing it in the bin in the corner of the room. 

Louis winced as he saw James pick up the packets of wipes, knowing the slight sting it would inflict on his sting. The man noticed the gesture and sent the little one a sympathetic smile, taking some wipes out and warming them in his hands slightly, hoping that would make even a little difference for the baby. Tentatively, James began using the wipes to clean up Louis' bum, making sure all traces of pee and bacteria were gone from the skin. Louis has a grimace on his face after so James reached down and placed a loving peck on the middle of his belly, sparking a small smile from the little one. 

Next, James picked up the pot of rash cream, taking out a scoop with his fingers and reaching down to run it all over the poor boy's irritated skin. Louis hissed at the pain he felt as the cream rubbed into his rash, it really wasn't a pleasant feeling at all. James continued to coo at the boy throughout, trying his best to calm the little one and reassure him that he would be feeling better soon. 

Once the cream was all rubbed in, James wiped his hands on the towel, ridding any excess cream on his fingers and picked up the pot of baby power. Louis is not quite sure why it was at this stage of the change that he became mega embarrassed but now his entire face was flushed red. He brought Lucy-Dog up higher and spread her fluffy body out to cover the majority of his face, wanting to hide away from the man applying baby powder to his bottom. James just chucked at the boy softly, finding the action simply adorable as he made sure the baby powder was all rubbed in nicely. 

"Right then my love,"  James spoke making Louis lift Lucy-Dog up off his face slightly so he could look at the man. "I think boxers might be a little too harsh and clingy to your skin so how do you feel about just putting your pyjama bottoms back on?" He continued, watching as Louis looked up with hesitant eyes and tried to bite his lip but ultimately failed due to the dummy in his mouth. "They're nice and loose so they won't cling to your skin, allowing it to breath a lot better which will make it heal quicker and they are a lot softer material compared to your boxers too." James explained further. "Besides, it's Saturday, perfect excuse for a pyjama day if I do say so myself!" James chucked, trying to lighted up the mood and he reached down and tucked Louis' still exposed tummy. 

Louis giggled then, and nodded in confirmation that he was happy to stay in his pyjamas all day, he just wanted to be as comfortable as possible. James helped Louis to slide his pyjamas bottoms back up his legs and fitted them around his waist, the then packed away all of the changing supplies before picking Louis back up and placing him on his hip after the little one made grabby hands at him. He could never deny those. 

Once comfortably on the man's hip, Louis reached up and placed Lucy-Dog on James' shoulder, then leaned down and rested his head on top of his cuddle toy, the furry object making a lovely pillow for his feathery bed hair which seemed incredibly untameable that morning. James quickly tidied away the towel into the laundry basket, smoothed down the covers on the Irishman's bed where they had ruffled up slightly during the change, before walking the pair of them out of the room and towards the mess hall for breakfast. 

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