Chapter 7

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Soon a knock was heard on the door and a tuft of blonde hair was poking into the room once James called a gentle "come in".

"Heya, the Aussies have just left back to their own cabin now and me an Haz were just wondering if you wanted to do something with us until dinner time Lou?" Niall asked. Louis nodded his head as the two began to think of what to do to pass the time. James then suggested that they watch a movie together, sure that Zayn and Liam wouldn't mind the trio using their tv for a while. James soon left and Harry and Louis snuggled on one of the beds as Niall placed the dvd in its slot, Louis having picked out Toy Story 2. Niall then joined the pair on the bed, snuggled up to the other side of Louis as they watched the movies begin.

About half way through the movie, Harry noticed Louis head had fallen onto his chest, his eyes closed and thumb bobbing gently in his mouth. Harry tapped Niall on the shoulder before venturing down to Louis, both boys cooing at the sight of his peaceful slumber. Harry slowly carded his finders through the boys hair whilst Niall rubbed circles on the small of his back as they watched the rest of the film.

Just as the end credits to the film began rolling, the bedroom door opened, both Harry and Niall instantly put a finger up to their lips, ensuring for Zayn and Liam to not make too much noise. Both men soon understood the demand as they took a longing glance at the adorable sight before them. "We just came to get you to say its time for dinner boys, jacket potato and beans tonight!" Zayn whispered. Both boys nodded, Niall carefully sliding out of the bed and making his way towards the door. Liam came over and slowly lifted Louis off of Harry so he too could climb out of the bed. Zayn told the two boys to start making their way towards the mess hall whilst they woke Louis. Liam rubbed circles on Louis' little tummy under his shirt as he began to sweetly rouse the boy form his slumber. "Louis darling, wakey wakey sunshine" Liam cooed. Louis slowly began to wake up, nose crinkling adorably as his long eyelashes fanned open to reveal his sea blue eyes. Louis did a little stretch, looking much like a baby kitten, before smiling shyly up at Liam who was still hovering over the child. Liam returned the smile, helping Louis to sit up properly to wake him a little more. The boy rubbed the sleep from his eyes with his little firsts as Zayn brought over a jacket for the boy as it had dropped in temperature since that morning. The jacket drowned the boy and came to rest just above his knees and giving him the cutest sweater paws. The boys could tell that Louis was still very tired so Liam simply picked him up and rested him on his hip. Louis instinctively wrapped his arms and legs around Liam, looking much like a koala attached to his side as he rested his head on his shoulder out of pure exhaustion. Liam and Zayn then began their short trek to the mess hall for dinner, with Liam continuing to rub circles on the boys back, trying to wake him up a little more.

As soon and they arrived, Louis still sat upon Liam's hip, they spotted Niall and Harry sat with the four boys from earlier, waving in their direction. Liam set off to bring Louis over to his bunkies while Zayn went to collect the boy's food for him. Liam reached the table and slowly lowered Louis onto his feet. Everyone smiled a the boy which he shyly retuned, giving the cutest little wave to them.

"Hey buddy!" Harry called "come here, you look so cuddly and i need somebody to snuggle with after saying goodbye to my mum and sister for three months earlier" Harry continued, patting his lap in a silent request for Louis to sit on his lap. Louis hopped on, still feeling a little tired, so was happy to fulfil Harry's request for snuggles. Harry wrapped his arms around the smaller lad, pulling him back against his strong chest and resting his chin upon the top of Louis' head, simply listening to the conversation between the other five lads on their table.

Zayn soon returned with Louis' dinner along with a cup of water. He placed the items in front of the boy and ruffled his hair before leaving to join Liam in supervising all camp attendees. Louis began to struggle using his heavy metal cutlery to cut his jacket potato, used to his mother cutting his food for him and using plastic cutlery that weren't so heavy for his dainty little hands. Harry noticed his struggle and gently removed the boy's cutlery from his hands, cutting the food for him in silence so as to not draw too much attention to the gesture, sacred of embarrassing the little boy. Once Harry had finished cutting all of Louis' food into little bite-size pieces, he simply slipped the cutlery back into the boys hands and gesturing fro him to continue eating. Louis turned around in Harry's lap to face the older boy, giving a weak smile and offering a quiet "thank you" before returning to face forward and dig back into his dinner.

Once everyone had finished dinner, they all went outside for a huge game of rounders organised by Perrie and Jesy. Louis was still feeling exhausted after his long day of meeting new people and few meltdowns over leaving his mother. So instead of following everyone as they filed onto the field, Louis walked hand in hands with James back to the boys cabin. Once they arrived, James sat upon the edge of Niall's bed while instructing Louis to change into his pull up and pyjamas. The boy didn't need any help as his Mummy had brought the kind that can easily be slipped up his legs much like boxers. James then brought Louis over to the bathroom to brush his teeth, wash his face and go to the toilet, getting him completely ready to go to bed. 

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