Chapter 27

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It was 10 minutes later when the pair were interrupted by Niall yelling "Larry". Both sat up with a look of confusion on their faces as they watched Naill jog up to them, cheeks all flushed from where he was previously running around with the Aussies. 

"Who's Larry?" Harry asked, moving to have his legs dangling over the edge of the hammock, tip toes digging into the ground and moving the hammock slightly back and forth in a soothing rock. Louis sat up on his knees and rested his chin to lay on Harry's shoulder, their faces pressed together, as he too looked at Naill for an explanation. 

"It's you two!" Niall chuckled. "Get it? It's your ship name - Louis and Harry makes Larry!" He explained excitedly. Louis and Harry both grinned, they enjoyed the idea of having their names mashed together as it just provided further proof for how much they love each other. "Anyways, Jesy sent me over to get you because its break time before archery." The blonde exclaimed before jogging back over towards the cabins after seeing that they had started chasing one another around again. 

Harry stood up fully from the hammock and turned around to face Louis with his arms stretched out to help the little lad down. "Come on then cutie, off we go!" He softly spoke as the small boy was hoisted up by large hands under his armpits and brought to sit on the older's hip. Louis lifted on of his arms to lay his small hand on Harry's chest, right above his heart as the curly lad started walking back towards the rest of the group. 

Once the pair was with the rest of the group once again Jesy approached the pair holding Louis's  jeans from earlier. "Heya you two! Had a nice time on a hammock?" She asked as she held the tiny hand that was hanging down and rubbing her thumbs across Louis' knuckles slowly. She received two low hums and small smiles in return. "That's good!" She chuckled. "Lou i was just wondering if you wanted to put your jeans back on now. But your perfectly fine just staying in Liam's top if ya want seeing as its only archery your doing next." 

"Li top please." Louis replied shyly, leaning further into Harry's strong chest and resting his head on his shoulder. He loved wearing it as the way it engulfed his little body in material and the calming scent of just 'Liam' made him feel extra small and protected like a baby. Jesy just smiled encouragingly at him before guiding them over to Liam and Ben who were handing out pieces of fruit and drinks to everyone. "Hey Lili!" Louis spoke muffled by his chin still on Harry's shoulder. 

"Hey there munchkin!" Liam called, handing the fruit bowl to Ben and opening his arms up with a cheeky smile, silently asking Louis for a cuddle. The small boy complied instantly, leaning his whole body weight forwards in Harry's grip and basically collapsing into Liam's chest as the man stepped forward to catch him. Once Louis was securely in Liam's arms, Harry reached froward to pull down on the large orange shirt Louis was wearing, adjusting it so that it covered his underwear once again. "What's this oddly familiar top I see?" Liam teased, tickling Louis' side slightly which received a giggle before two dainty hands came to hold the fingers to make them stop. 

"Ive gotta say Lou, it looks better on you than it did on Payno anyway!" Ben chuckled as he ruffled Liams hair mischievously, receiving a rather strong nudge to the shoulder from said man. 

"I'll have you know Benny boy, I have model potential!" Liam spoke, trying his hardest to pull off a smouldering look by squinting his eyes and pouting his lips far too much. All three others burst out laughing at the sight causing him to pout a little in feign hurt.

"Mate you look like your trying to impersonate Zayn!" Ben chuckled. Liam just rolled his eyes in response, lifting his arms slightly  to adjust his hold of Louis, the small boy wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling their chest snug together in response. "What's your pick then lads?" Ben asked, holding the fruit bowl up to Louis who pointed to the orange before Harry took a banana. Liam then took Louis over to a bench and placed him on his lap to straddle his waist as he peeled the orange for the small boy, Harry sitting next to them. 

"Here you go bubba" Liam softly spoke, holding a segment of orange that he had broke off up to Louis, but instead of taking it out of his hand, the small boy just opened his mouth. Liam chuckled at this, feeding Louis the rest of the orange as he made no effort to actually feed himself. As soon as the orange was finished, Louis collapsed froward, resting his head against Liam's chest and listening to his heartbeat. Liam wrapped both arms around the small back, using one large palm to rub circles at the base of his spine, loving the affection the small boy was showing as he didn't get much of a 'cuddle time' with him earlier that morning. Harry then stood up and beckoned to Liam that he would put the orange peel in the bin before going to see what the rest of the group were up to, Liam nodding in reply as the curly lad left with a peck to the top of Louis' feathery fringe. 

Louis sat on the man's lap for another few minutes before shyly looking up at his face, only to be met with large puppy-dog brown eyes. "Erm Li..." Louis whispered, receiving an encouraging hum and slight squeeze to one of his hips, "could you come with me to go potty please?" He whispered. 

"Of course I can babes!" Liam whispered in return, leaning down to press a gentle peck to the boy's hairline before standing up, adjusting Louis to sit on his hip properly, before heading off to the toilets, mouthing his intentions to Ben when he walked past the man and received a questioning look. "Do you want me to just wait outside here or come inside with you?" Liam asked Louis once they reached the cabin. 

"In please" Louis replied shyly, tangling his fingers together. Liam just nodded in reply, entering the block before placing Louis onto his feet in-front of the cubicle. "Can you stand and hold the door please? Don't like locking it" Louis mumbled, his cheeks blushing quite a bit now.

"Of course babes, ill be your dragon guarding you from any evil creatures!" The man replied, standing straight to make himself look as big as possible - which really wasn't that much of a task when he stood next to the tiny boy. Louis giggled in return before going into the cubicle and pushing the door almost closed. 

"All done baby?" Liam asked once he heard the sound of the flush, looking down to see Louis opening the door and shyly making his way towards the taps to wash his hands. Once done, Liam scooped the boy back up into his arms, Louis instantly resting his head on his shoulder in comfort. "Let's get going then Lou Lou, we've got some archery to be getting stuck into!" Liam called, bouncing Louis in his arms slightly as he began his trek back to the rest of the group and Ben. 

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