Chapter 6

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Louis, Niall and Harry soon entered the mess hall. Louis was overwhelmed by the loud hum of conversation and the many new faces, all looking a lot older and bigger than himself. Louis instinctively retreated to hide behind Harry in slight fear. The curly headed lad noticed the boys anxiousness and protectively slipped his hand into the younger boys, intertwining their fingers in reassurance. Louis looked down at his hand almost completely engulfed by the much larger hand of Harry before looking up towards his face. Harry had a fond, calming smile spread on his plump pink lips, causing his dimples to pop. Louis smiled back shyly before then face the crowded mess hall once again. Niall guided the three towards an empty row of seats and told Harry and Louis to wait there whilst he got lunch for their small group. The pair sat down, their hands unattached which caused a slight frown from the younger boy. Harry saw this and immediately set to wrapping one of his long, muscly arms around Louis and pulling him into his side lovingly, rubbing gently up and down his petit arm in comfort.

Niall soon returned with three plates of sandwiches, three packets of crisps, three apples and three cups of juice. In tow with Niall, followed four boys, who all sat on the opposite side of the table to the other three, facing them. Niall handed Harry and Louis their lunch, with Louis choosing the marmite sandwich and prawn cocktail crisps; leaving Harry with the egg and cress sandwich and salt and vinegar crisps and Niall had already claimed the ham sandwich and emptied his ready salted flavoured crisps into his sandwich . All the boys chuckled at Niall's antics, causing the Irish lad to simply shrug off any comments they made about his weird eating habits.

The group fell into comfortable silence as they all munched down their well needed lunch. Once everyone had finished, with Louis taking the longest as he only took little bites and needed Harry to cut up his apple into slices for him, Niall began to introduce the four new boys to the pair. "Lads, this is Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton, they're from Australia and two cabins down form us." Harry and Louis nodded in acknowledgment, looking at each of the boys with a welcoming smile which they all eagerly returned.

The tall blonde, Luke, gave a gently wave towards Louis, hoping to make him feel relaxed amongst him and his friends. "Hey little guy, Niall told me a little bit about you when we were lining up to get our lunch, i bet its pretty cool being able to come to a camp like this and do all these fun activities when you are still only 14, huh?" Louis gave a little nod in return, smiling at the boy as he seemed really friendly.

"Y-yeah, i guess its q-quite cool." Luke nodded before the brunette then spoke.

"Your so cute, i hope were in some of the same group activities, would be. Nice to see a nice face around here. Not like what i have to live with 24/7" Calum said, pointing to the other three Aussies at the table and making a disgusted face. This triggered a light slap on the back of the head from the one with the pink hair, Michael, and and chorus of "heyyyy" from the two blondes. Louis giggles at this, causing fond smiles to fall from everyone in the group, absolutely smitten with the little one in front of them.

Casual chatter about what Australia whether is like in comparison to British, as well as the occasional mention of sharks or snakes which made Louis tense a little bit, flowed for the next 15 minutes before the sound of pots being clanged together rippled through the mess hall. All chatter immediately came to a holt as everyone turned the heads in the direction of the sound. At the front of the hall, on the mini wooden stage stood James, as well as another man of similar age, he was slightly taller and had more of a slim built with dark brown hair styled neatly in a quiff and a short stubbly beard. James then took a step forward and took in a breath, ready to speak to the whole camp. "Right listen up you ugly lot!" The man chuckled as playfully offended gasps were heard from the audience. "Ben, my number two here and activity leader is about to telly our some important information about how timetables are going to go so make sure you pay attention please. Any questions feel free to find either one of us at the end, or any of the leaders scattered around the hall. They should be easy to find as i made them wear these god awful bright orange shirts!" James chuckled once again.

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