Part Two. Chapter 11.

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I rolled out of bed and turned off my annoying alarm. I was not ready to go to school today. Last night was long and stressful and I still had so many questions for Austin. I wondered what it was going to be like seeing him at school. Would I have to be fake? What would I say to Dallas?

I pushed my unanswered questions aside and looked at the clock: 6:30. I had one hour before I had to get to school. I walked to my bathroom and turned the shower water on. I checked my phone for messages only to see my background. It was of Mom, Dad, Dallas and I at Disneyland. Dallas and I were sticking our tongues out at each other but you could tell we were smiling. She was twelve then. I fought Mom and Dad to let me stay home since I was fourteen. Of course, they dragged me along and it ended up being a really fun time.

The steam from the shower woke me from my daydream. I stripped and hopped in the shower. I winced when the water hit my skin. It was hot. The nozzle to turn the water seemed so far away. Finally, I was able to reach and turn the water to a bearable temperature. After about five minutes, I got out and grabbed a towel. The cold air hit me and made me shiver for a second. I dried myself and grabbed clothes from my dresser.

Once my jeans and random shirt were pulled on, I jogged downstairs. Dallas wasn't up but my mom was at the oven. She was cooking something in the skillet.

"Morning, sweetheart," she greeted me.

"Morning," I replied and took a seat to the left of the old, wooden table.

"Is scrambled eggs okay?" Mom asked. I nodded in reply. I pondered what I was going to do about Austin while I waited for breakfast. I realized I left my phone in my room.

"Be right back," I muttered while getting and running up the stairs. As I was passing Dallas's room, I noticed her light was off and she was saying something. I knew I shouldn't listen but it sounded urgent. Was she still sleeping? I walked the rest of the hall to my room and grabbed my phone which was still blank.

"Austin, Austin," I heard Dallas mumble-yell as I was passing her room. Now, I felt sad and sick thinking of his name. I pushed her door, ignoring the calls in my head. She was sweaty and had all her blankets kicked off of her. I sat on her bed and nudged her awake. It felt wrong but something was off.

"Cash?" Dallas startled awake. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, you were in a dream. I heard you mumble for Austin and got worried." It was harder to explain to her in person.

"Oh," was her simple response. "I should get up and get dressed."

"Yeah, I'll leave you to it. See you downstairs." I got up from her bed and closed the door behind me. I sat at my original seat and twiddled my phone between my fingers.

That was weird.

I wondered if I did the wrong thing waking her up.

"Everything alright, Cash?" Mom snapped me out of my daze.

"Oh yeah," I smiled to reassure her.

"Morning, honey," Mom greeted Dallas behind me. I turned and smiled, gesturing to the empty seat beside me. She sat down and took the eggs Mom offered us. We ate in silence.

"Have a good day," Mom waved us off when we had finished and brushed our teeth. I waved and walked out. I wasn't surprised when Dallas followed me out to my truck. Usually Austin picked her up but last night was a whirlwind so he probably was going to be late.

"Get in," I said with a sigh as she looked at me pleadingly. She hopped in my truck and I got in on the driver side. The drive to school was short and quiet. Once I found an empty parking spot, I parked and we got out.

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