Part Three. Chapter 21.

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Dixie picked up on the fourth ring. I froze because I didn't know what to say.

"Hey, Dix! Your dad is a police officer, right?" I jumped right in.

"Oh, yeah. Why?"

"Can we talk to him? Is he around?"

"We?" she questioned.

"I just really need to talk to him."

"Dallas, is everything okay?" she sounded concerned.

"Totally! We just need to ask him a few questions."

"Um, sure." Dixie didn't sound convinced but I heard clattering and some words.

"Dallas?" Dixie's dad answered the phone.

I put him on speaker.

"Hello Mr. Bennett. We have an issue that includes the police. We really need your help." Chase spoke first.

"Tell me." Mr. Bennett said.

"Well, you remember Austin Renam, right? We found him but not in the right way." Cash explained everything for us. He explained the bullet, the men and the place Austin's in– mentally and physically.

"Wow, I think we need to meet. Where are you guys?" he asked once Cash finished.

"Austin, Texas," Tucker answered.

"Well, I can drive out there if that's where he is."

And he did. We walked back to the alley and entered. I was shaking with fear and nerves. What if they escaped? What if they are waiting for us there?

We walked through the same dark passage. The same place I saw Austin after almost a year, trying to kill people. It made me mad, scared and sad.

"It's going to be okay," Chase whispered in my ear from behind me.

We headed to where the men were knocked out. The closer we got, the more scared I got. I wasn't ready for this. Cash was leading us with Tucker in front of me and Chase behind me.

"Here they are," Cash almost whispered.

I gasped at the sight of the bloody, unconscious bodies. It sickened me.

"What are we doing again?" I asked in a small voice.

"Taking their bodies," Tucker told me.

"You idiots." Austin was suddenly behind Chase. We all turned which gave the other men time to block us from Cash's end.

They were closing in on us and I closed my eyes, ready for the worst. Their knives clicked and startled me out my skin.

"It's over. Y'all are so dead," Austin laughed bitterly. Chase and Cash were slowly backing up, crushing me and Tucker. Tucker's back hit mine and I gasped. Seconds later, Chase's back hit my front. I was being crushed by two huge bodies.

"Help," I croaked out.

I don't know if they heard me but I felt like I was drowning, gasping for air. Pain was cutting into my side like a knife. Was that a knife? Maybe it was. I felt tired and like sleeping right there.

"Dallas!" Someone screamed. I ignored them and fell. Black.

I felt so much pain when I woke. So much pain I thought I was dying. I couldn't open my eyes.

"She's waking up," a woman said. I couldn't place the voice.

I tried opening my eyes but couldn't seem to.

"Dallas, come to me," a male voice this time. They both sounded worried.

"Help," I croaked.

"Oh honey, sweetheart." Mom.

"Everything is okay." Dad.

"Mom? Dad?" I tried but it came out more of a groan. It almost angered me.

"Just rest, sweetie," Mom said in a sweet voice.

"Where's Chase, Tucker and Cash?" I tried again but, again, failed.

"Rest." Dad ordered.

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