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Lexi went up to Alejandro and whispered something into his ear. She got up and she started to look around.

LEXI: where are the others

MATTIA: They went to the bar, or they went to dance, why

LEXI: I'll explain later. Ale you have your gun right.


LEXI: Good, what about you Mattia.

I nod my head yes. She gets her phone out and starts calling someone. I think it's the boys.

LEXI: where are you guys.

LEXI: do you have your guns

LEXI: okay good. come to the VIP section quick!.

She hangs up her phone. I look at Alejandro and he just looks at the ground. Soon the boys came and they were drunk.

KAI: wHat, Why Did yOu cAlL uS

LEXI: because 'The whites' are here.

ALVARO: how dId they geT iN.

LEXI: I don't know but if they want gun shots then they are gonna get them.

I was so confused because I didn't know who 'the whites' or 'the scorpions' are. I know i should know who they are because I work with the police, but I have only been working for 2years and nobody in the office has said anything about those mafias.


I was stressing out that I forgot that Kio was at the bar. I walked over to one of my security guards.

LEXI: Hey Bryan, do we still have that escape tunnel.

BRYAN THE GUARD: Yes Miss. Lexi.

LEXI: okay, we are gonna go through there.

He nods his head and he informs the other Guards. I walk to the boys and tell them.

LEXI: okay so we are gonna go through the escape tunnel.

ROBERT: I thought they had blocked those tunnels.

LEXI: nope, still there. I think that kai, Alvaro, and Roshaun should go First since there not in there right minds. Robert you take them there and make sure nobody follows you. Me, Alejandro, and Mattia. Are gonna go but we have to act it cool so they won't suspect anything.

They nod there head and one by one start getting up. The escape tunnel was in one of the cleaning rooms very hidden, so when ever the police would get a notification say I was here I would just escape. Alejandro went last leaving me and Mattia alone. We waited a few minutes before going.


She got up and so did I, we start walking Until she pushes me on a wall and kisses me. I didn't know what to do so I kiss back. She pulled back, and started walking into a closet where they keep the cleaning supplies. There was an air vent she opened it and started crawling in it, a few seconds she removed something and got out, I followed her. We were now in a tunnel and we start walking into a direction.


We were walking into the closet when I saw a white coming towards us. I didn't know what to do so I pushed Mattia and kissed him, I thought he wasn't gonna kiss back but he did. We went in the closet, and got into the tunnels
It was kinda silent until he spoke up.

MATTIA: so what was that back there.

LEXI: what do you mean.

MATTIA: The kiss

LEXI: oh that, it was because a white was going our direction.

I look at him and he nods his head. We walk in silence until we see the boys.

ALEJANDRO: did anyone follow you.

LEXI: nope, but we have to go so let's move.

MATTIA: where do this tunnel leads us to.

ROBERT: the house.

He nods his head and we start walking, it was kinda silent well not really because Kai and Alvaro would laugh at themselves. My phone started going off I got my phone and it was Bryan my Guard.


LEXI: Hello

BRYAN: Hi Miss. Lexi I was calling to see if you guys made it into the tunnels.

LEXI: yes we did we're walking towards the house right now.

BRYAN: okay, me and the others will take you guys car back to the house.

LEXI: okay thank you.

I hang up and we all walk.


ROSHAUN: ahh, my feet hurt.

ALVARO: you NeeD to stop whining we're almost there.


We walk more and I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.

LEXI: I swear Kairi if that's you one more time I'm gonn-

MATTIA: relax it's just me.

LEXI: oh sorry it just that Kai-

MATTIA: yeah Kia keeps messing with you.

LEXI: yeah, so what's up.

MATTIA: I just wanted to know who 'The whites' are.

LEXI: oh they are our enemies. Along with 'The scorpions'

?? POV

??: I can't believe you lost her.

KIO: sorry, she just said that she was gonna go to the bathroom. I didn't think she was gonna escape.

??: I swear if I don't find her I'm gonna put a bullet through your head.

KIO: Okay, damn chill Bryce,

BRYCE: get the others were going home.

He nods his head and leaves, I need to find Lexi she has to pay for what she did.

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