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We arrived at Ihop

DESIREE: Damn I haven't been here in so long.

LEXI: yeah me too ever since what happened.


She said it in a soft whisper tone.

DESIREE: okay let's go

We got out the car and we see Alex and the rest inside. I opened the door and walked in.

WAITRESS: Hey how many

LEXI: we are with them

WAITRESS: okay follow me.

We walked towards the table.

WAITRESS: so what will you guys like to drink.

Everyone told the waitress what they would like to drink. We were the only ones here well besides a couple, and a family with children.

LEXI: I'll be right back.

HAZEL: where are you going.

LEXI: I'm going to the bathroom.

Today is the day where I have to pick, I can stay with Lexi or I have to go back on the case. I just really hope that I don't have to work on the case anymore. I'm not gonna lie I have grown a little bit more feeling for Lexi and I know that is bad but that's the way the heart works. I'm going to ask her again but when we are alone and hopefully she says yes.


I got done using the bathroom I washed my hands and was about to walk out when the girls came in.


LEXI: okay

HAZEL: Okay so we have to go shopping. Cause your girl Destiny is going on a date today.

LEXI: yeah I know she told us.

HAZEL: e n ways, we have to shop for a dress, a hot dress.

LEXI: y'all can go I have to go to the warehouse

PARADISE: okay but when your done you have to help us.

LEXI: okay fine, now can we go and eat.

We left the girls bathroom and went to the table we saw the guys hyped up.

The girls had left to go to the bathroom. So it was just us the boys.

ALE: so I don't know if y'all know but, me and Destiny are going on a date today.

KAI: really that great

ALEX: that good but y'all better behave.

JABEZ: yeah cause she is our cousin and if you do something to her I will kill you.

ALE: I promise I won't

Not gonna lie Destiny's cousin scared me a little bit, but the person who scares me most is Lexi cause she can literally make me into a rug.

MATTIA: so are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend or sum.

ALE: yeah I want that, cause she makes me happy and I want to make her happy.

ROBERT: well what time are y'all going to y'all's date.

ALE: At 8

KAI: so that means that you have to put on something nice,

MATTIA: where are you taking her.

ALE: there is this restaurant not to far away and I know that's where her favorite food is.

KAI: what about you Mattia when are you going to step up your game and ask out Lexi.

MATTIA: I don't maybe soon

Everyone started to get hyped cause they know that Mattia and Lexi have a thing.
We saw the girls coming back.


HAZEL: what are y'all hyped about?

LEXI: yeah

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