Arthur x Shinra | Dragon AU /fluff/angst

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(Warning: kissing and suggestive matters)
A village had requested for me to slay a dragon. As I mighty (self proclaimed)knight king, I had promised the village my services.

It seems that I am revoking that promises now.

Upon seeing the small black dragon with bright Ruby eyes, I was ready to attack.

I had attacked the dragon- yes, I had. But I do regret it.

Oh but'tis in the past.
Upon attacking the dragon, I had injured it badly, and despite that it had not fought back, only trying to swipe me to the side. Which it could barely do either way.

Once I had managed to almost slay the beast, and was about to land the final blow I noticed the look in its eyes.

The look of mourning, grief, despair, determination, anger, and longing.

"Tsk" I walked to the side of the cave I battled was in and got my bag, before walking over to the dragon and sitting down next to it.

The dragon was about three times the size of me. Seemed to be by itself. It was pretty small for a dragon.

I poked it's wing to see what it's reaction would be, if hostile I'd finish the promise, and if docile, I'd help it.

The dragon paid no mind, just wincing slight.
I reached inside my bag and pulled out some scrap cloth meant to be bandages/casts and some disinfectant.

I grabbed it's forearm and disinfected the wounds inflected by me, and the scars that seemed to be barely healing, probably from other knights or warriors.

Why would a knight help a demon of destruction? Simple, because it could be his new steed. /Arthur stop being an ass/

I eventually finished disinfecting all the wound and wrapping them. The dragon looked displeased.

I yet again poked the dragon, who slowly moved its head so it could stare me in the eyes.

"Why." The dragon spoke.

I'm not gonna question it.

"Because. Why not." I responded.

It looked at me up and down, suspiciously staring at my hands.

I slowly reached out to pet its snout, like I would to a horse.

The dragon hesitantly moved backwards slightly to the best of it's abilities.

I unarmed myself, only keeping my most trusted sword on me.

The dragon eventually allowed me to pet it.

"Why are the villagers after you." I asked, getting straight to the point once the dragon allowed me to pet it.

"Because they think I'm a monster..." it lowers its head to the floor.


"I'd rather not talk about it, but to put it shortly, I'm cursed." The dragon avoided my eyes.

"What is this curse?"

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