Dragon Todoroki x Reader (CALLING OUT WITCH)

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(Autumn_Witch I'm calling you out)
Little backstory: (it's around medival era because I'm a sucker for fantasy) One day you were out in the forest harvesting berries. You weren't into meat like the rest of your village was so you choose to look in the forest for berries. You run a very small farm with a few small animals, a horse and a cow.

You never hurt them, and you were more like a harvester farmer rather than a killing livestock farmer.

As you were picking berries you saw something crash a few yards away, and like anyone would do if they saw a fluffy white and red thing fall down from the sky, you went to investigate it.

When you stumbled across it, you learned that that it was in fact NOT and oversized weirdly colored fluffy blanket that fell out of the sky, but actually a dragon.

You never imagined them to be so.... small...

You figured it was a juvenile, but soon came to realize it was older than a juvenile but not an adult.
The dragon you later learn is named Shoto. Shoto is scared of Humans but allows you to heal a broken wing.

When you're finished healing him which took a month, he had grown attached to you and won't leave you alone. You also learned he is very cuddle but teasing as-well.


You were comfortably sleeping in your bed, wrapped up in a fluff blanket until you felt it ripped off of you.

"Hey! Give me my blanket!" You darted up and scrambled to get the blanket away from Shoto, who was the one that ripped the blanket away from you.

Once you were off the bed you were trying to grab a hold of your blanket but each time you'd get close, Shoto would sharply turn around making you miss your target and graciously fall on your face.

Eventually you were fed up with him so you stormed off to get ready for the day, but upon opening the window for fresh air it appeared to be night.

Shoto woke you up early.

"SHOTO!" Upon calling his name, the dragon stumbled into the room, tripping over one of your shoes.

"Don't. Wake. Me. Up. EARLY. I need my beauty sleep." You said with a demanding tone.

Shoto made a weird laughing noise and tried to look bashful but you knew that he was faking just to get you to not be angry at him.

"No." When you rejected his fake bashful nature he threw a very small temper tantrum before making puppy eyes.

'Oh god the puppy eyes. Why the puppy eyes! He knows I can't stay angry at him with those eyes!-'

"F-fine I forgive you." You huffed before turning around to close the window again.

Once you finished with that you heard Shoto slowly walking over to you.

"Shoto, you better not do what I thi-" and you were being pushed into your room. Great.

"Hey! Stop that! I told you I don't like being pushed!" Shoto wasn't listening and he pushed you onto your bed before flopping across it himself.

You tried to push him off but ultimately failed, which earned a laugh from Shoto.

At this point you were to tired to lecture him, so you just flopped over and tried to take a nap. Without a blanket, for you see, Shoto had stolen your blanket, and was using it as a pillow.

You shiver because you were cold, I mean you live in a farm with no air conditioning. And it's night.

You felt the bed shift and Shoto rolled over and cooled himself around you. (Because he noodle dragon, and noodle dragons are best pillows)

Shoto snores. Very loudly. Which is why you object to his cuddles.

But he ignores you struggles and still is flipped around you. Like a overly large limp spaghetti noodle.

You sighed to yourself, finally giving up to the dragons cuddles.

He laughed which made you slightly annoyed.
"Oh shut it you."

This only received more laughter from the dragon before you bonked him, and payed back down.

He continued to try to annoy you before he dozed off.

Trying to heal a dragon is no easy task, but trying to push one off your bed is a harder task. If my mom would have told me this I would have kept Shoto in the shed instead of letting him sleep inside. But I can say no to those puppy eyes.

And the loud snoring continues. This is why he isn't allowed to sleep in my room.

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