Chapter 16

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~~~~Kyle's P.O.V~~~~

The next day I wake up fully refreshed. It's Saturday, so I get to sleep in until whatever time I want to.

Today is the day I'm going to have a long talk to my mom about Johnnie and I, and hope for the best. I start my day by going downstairs to the kitchen to grab some food. I haven't eaten much lately since I've been down the past couple weeks, but today is different. I actually feel like eating. I do realize my mom isn't up yet, so I start making some breakfast for her and I. I hope she'll change her mind about what happened if I suck up to her.

I grab the eggs out of the fridge, whisk them up then go for the sausage. I throw the sausage links into a frying pan. After, I put the whisked eggs in another pan and start cooking those up. Finally, I throw some bread in the toaster. I pour a cup of coffee for my mom, and grab a Peace Tea for myself.

The eggs don't take long to cook, and the sausage is almost done by the time I finish putting butter on the toast. I throw a good amount of eggs on the plate. Then I toss a couple sausage links on as well. As soon as I place the food on the table my mom is downstairs.

"Making breakfast? That's unusual," she comments.

"Yeah. I thought you would like some breakfast. Plus I was hungry for some eggs," I reply.

She sits at the table, "alrighty," is all she says before she starts eating.

Half way into our little breakfast I bring up the topic of Johnnie and I, "so mom, why can't Johnnie come over anymore?"

She puts down her fork, "are we really going to go through this again?"

"Yeah. We are, mom."

She starts shaking her head, "I'm sorry but you just can't see Johnnie anymore."

"Because your homophobic little ass couldn't take it?" I look her dead in the eyes.

Her face is priceless, "go to your room right now."


"I said go to your room."

"I'm not a little kid anymore, mom. You're being ridiculous," I continue chewing my food while pointing at her with my fork, "I didn't even do anything wrong for you to decide I can't see Johnnie anymore."

"You kissed him."

"So? Why does that matter? Like I said, you're homophobic. You should really open up, mom. I'm not changing for you, or anyone. Kick me out, and I'll just go to Elizabeth's. Yell at me all you want. It's still not going to change anything. You're just a ho-mo-pho-bic, and that's all you'll ever be to me," I stand up, push in my chair, and rinse off my dish without another word.

~~~~Johnnie's P.O.V~~~~

I'm in the bathroom getting ready to take a shower when my phone starts ringing uncontrollably in my room. I rush to pick it up seeing that it's Elizabeth.

"Hello?" I answer just in time.

"Kyle is at my house. He says he wants you to come here as soon as you can," she says in a serious tone.

"Alright. Let me take a fast shower then I'll be right over."

"Okay. Bye."

I hurriedly jump into the shower. It takes me a maximum of five minutes to wash my hair and body. When I do get out I don't even blow dry my hair, I go directly to my closet and get my clothes on.

When I'm done getting ready, I yell bye to my mom, and then head out the door. Since her house isn't as far as Kyle's I get there within ten minutes of a slight jog. I walk up to the porch, ring the doorbell and wait. Almost instantly Elizabeth opens the door and pulls me in.

As we're going up the stairs to her room I ask, "what's so urgent I had to rush out the door without blow drying my hair?" I laugh.

She stops and looks at me with serious eyes, "Kyle got kicked out of his house."


She pulls me into her room, "he got kicked out of his own fucking house, Johnnie."

I look at Kyle who looks as though he's been crying for days.

I look from Kyle to Elizabeth and back, "what happened?"

Kyle looks at me, "I stood up for the both of us. I wanted to be with you. She screamed and screamed at me to get out, but I would've never thought she would go as far as kicking me out of the house. I mean I told her I could just come here. I still didn't think she would have the guts to do it," he sniffles between sentences.

I push my hair back from my forehead, "dammit, Kyle. I'm not even worth staying with honestly."

"Yes you are! You're amazing," he argues.

I sit on the bed next to him. I interlock our fingers. Elizabeth is pacing back and forth.

"Okay, we need to get Kyle back into his own house," Elizabeth stops and looks at us.

Kyle phone starts buzzing in his pocket. He takes it out, "great it's my mom."

"Answer it!" Elizabeth shouts.


I lean in to listen.

"Kyle...come home...I'm..." is all I can make out.

"I'll come in a little while," he says then hangs up.

"She wants you to come home? Already? Damn that was easier than expected," I shrug.

"Yeah well I'm not going home for the weekend. I want to have some time to think without her breathing down my neck," he says.

"Come stay at my house then," I offer.

"Okay. I mean I'll still tell her where I am, but I don't really care if she likes is or not."

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