Chapter 3

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I walk home as fast as I can hoping I wont come face to face with that guy again. I don't even know his name, and I sure didn't do shit to him to make him want to beat me up.

I start walking by the park. I decide to go sit and take a breather. The park is empty except for some people making out on a bench. I walk past them as if they are not even there. I go sit on one of the open slides, and take out my phone to go on Instagram and Twitter for awhile. I turn on some YouTube after checking all my feeds. I told my subscribers that I would be gone for awhile since I moved, so they wouldn't be worried too much.

About an hour after watching and looking at shit I get up and make my way to the house once again. By the time I get there my mom is making some dinner for the two of us.

"Hey, where have you been?" she questions while stirring something on the stove.

"I was at the park," I throw my backpack on the table.

I have a shit ton of homework and I probably should get started on it but instead I sit at the table waiting for dinner to be served.

"What's on the stove?" I ask.

"Oh some chicken noodle soup. I thought I would try something different for a change," she keeps stirring.

"I'm starving. When will it be done?"

"Ten minutes."

I get up and get a couple drinks from the garage for the both of us. Then I get bowls and spoons.

"Alright, it's ready," she sings.

I grab my bowl and serve myself. I do homework as I eat, mostly because I have so much catching up to do. My mom and I talk a little. She asks how my day went. I basically lie to her face, saying that it was really good even though it turned out absolutely terrible. I dont even dare to tell her about that kid at school or what happened at lunch. If I did, she would be telling him off to the school. I dont want anymore trouble with him. Especially when I didnt even do anyting in the first place.

When I am finished eating I put my dish away and go into my room. I want some alone time to just think about stuff. I still have a bunch of homework, so I sit at the desk my mom had bought me and complete more of it. When I'm all done I go to sleep early since I am super tired and probably need the rest.


The next day, my alarm goes off at the same time. I groan once again. I turn off the alarm, get out of bed, then get ready for the day ahead of me. I do my routine a little faster than usual. Once I'm done getting ready I grab my backpack and go downstairs for my breakfast. Mom starts work today, so i'll be taking the bus for the first time. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"I got your coffee," I announce.

"Thanks hun," she grabs it and leans onto the counter, "your bus will be here in 15 minutes. Are you going to ride it home?"

"Nah, I'm going to walk again. Can I do some homework at the park today?" I ask.

"Sure. Just be back in time for dinner," she looks at her watch, "I have to go. Have a good day."

She grabs her stuff and leaves out the front door. I take a look at the time on the clock and see I have eight minutes until the bus comes. I shove a coffee cake into my mouth, almost whole, then go out the door to wait.

The bus comes a couple minutes early. She stops in front of my house and opens the doors.

"You new?" she grumbles.

"Yes," I respond.


I take a seat in the back. Luckily I'm one of the first stops so no one is on yet except for like two kids. I go through my backpack trying to find my phone. Once I do find it, I turn on some music full blast.

We finally get to the last stop after about 20 minutes. I look out the window and see about four more kids waiting. I look back at all the seats. There's not that much more room for them to sit. The kids get on and all except one find seats. The last one makes his way to the back with me.

"Uh, can I sit here?" he asks nervously.

"Sure," I agree and move my backpack for him to sit.

The rest of the ride is kind of awkward considering the kid is sitting super close to me and he still has his backpack on. When we do get to the school I'm relieved when the kid gets up. I grab my backpack and get off the bus quickly.

I walk through the doors of the school and head to my locker.


The day goes by pretty fast. It's already fourth period, and that means only two more classes to go. I get up to ask the teacher if I can go to the restroom. He says yes, so I grab the pass and go. I walk through the hallway slowly. I hate History. It's my most boring period. I finally get to the bathroom. I dont actually have to go, I just wanted to get out of that class. I stand looking at myself in the mirror. I see someone walk up from behind.

"Hey queer," he says.

"What do you want?" I take a step back.

He shoves me into the wall.

"Leave me alone," I try screaming.

He grasps my arms harder. I let out a yelp.

"Shut up punk," he lets go and shoves me down to the bathroom floor.

He walks out of the bathroom, and I lay on the floor crying.


I walk straight home instead of going to the park. My mom gets home in an hour. I go directly to my bathroom. I take off my shirt. I have two bruise marks on my arms, so I get a shirt that will hopefully cover them up.

After doing so I go back downstairs and help by starting dinner for my mom.

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