"What had to be done," Yoongi spat, matching the fire in Jimin's eyes with his own.

"What the hell does that mean?" Jimin demanded, tightening his grip on the other boy, his vision bloodred. Had everything he'd done since he'd agreed to work with the Purgatory been a lie? Every glance, every quirk of his lips, every emotion that found a home on his face? And the shipment...

The edge of Yoongi's mouth set into a scowl. It was a look born of neglect, of bitterness, of the incessant crave for vengeance and the fierce determination to get it however you can. "You don't know what it's like, to have nothing and still have it taken away from you. Now I'm just evening the playing field."

"You sound like a child," Jimin snapped, the anger a living thing inside of him, twisting and writhing, begging to be set free from the cage he'd kept it in for so long. He longed to loose it on Yoongi and revel in the damage it caused. "Who made you the judge of what's fair? You're only upset that you lost."

His fingers finding their way to the base of Jimin's throat to wrap around the soft skin they found, he shoved the younger boy off of him, allowing his nails to dig deep enough to bruise. There was only so much grace he'd extend to Jimin before he revealed the monster hiding behind his eyes.

Jimin didn't attempt to shake free from Yoongi's grip. "Why couldn't you just be good?" he gasped. "Why do you have to choose revenge, to drag this rivalry out?"

Yoongi's fingers dug even further. "I've tried that. If my best will never be enough, what's the use in trying?"

Yoongi shoved Jimin away from him, sending the other boy stumbling backward. Around them, the sirens grew louder. "I had Jin call the police the second Namjoon found those drugs," he said, baring his teeth in a wicked grin. "Did you think I would give you time to track us down? Jin and Namjoon are both long gone by now with none of you the wiser. Now you're left with a choice, Reaper. You can attempt to chase after me and get that thirty billion won or you can escape with the remains of your gang while you still can. But you need to decide fast. The clock's ticking."

Dropping one of his midnight eyes into a wink, Yoongi backed up slowly, taunting Jimin to follow him.

A muscle feathered in the other boy's jaw. Standing illuminated by the light of the inferno that consumed the facility behind them, Jimin wanted nothing more than to introduce the boss to a world of pain he never imagined possible. He wanted to avenge Jungkook and his reputation and his friends. He was suffocating on the desire.

But the wailing of the approaching police cruisers was insistent in the forefront of his mind.

"One day, someone will shatter that cemetery you call a throne," Jimin said in a low voice. "The name you've built for yourself is one drenched in rivalry. Without your competition to acknowledge your existence, you will fade away. My only hope is that I'm there to see it happen."

Basking in the way Yoongi's nostrils flared in indignation, Jimin spun around on his heel in search of his friends. They were running out of time.

"Taehyung!" he yelled as the vehicle came into sight.

The door was open, Hoseok saying something that Taehyung didn't appear to be listening to as he struggled in his arms, attempting to break free into the street.

"The police are almost here," Jimin panted as he shoved the two boys into the van, locking the door behind them. "We have to leave now."

Hoseok's head whipped around toward him sharply. "What about the Cobras?"

"They've betrayed us," Jimin growled, fighting his way to the driver's seat.

"What about Jungkook?" Taehyung gasped, tears still streaming down his face as he turned to Jimin with a frantic look.

Jimin bit down on his lip, trying to find the right words. He didn't have it in him to break Taehyung's heart. "Tae... The explosion, the fire... I don't think he could have survived it."

"But-" Taehyung started, desperately clinging on to the last thread of hope dangling in front of him.

"Taehyung," Hoseok whispered, silver glistening in his own eyes as he attempted to console the younger boy. "He's gone."

Jimin drowned out the sound of Taehyung's agonized sobs, not allowing himself to feel past the warm wood of the steering wheel. If he was right, if Jungkook was truly gone... He was no longer a right hand. The Purgatory belonged under his reign now. But if he was wrong and Jungkook had somehow managed to make it out...

He wasn't sure if he could stomach the thought of leaving his boss to die amongst the dying embers. But he knew if Jungkook were here, he would've said to leave. He would have wanted Jimin to get Taehyung and Hoseok to safety before he'd ever entertain the idea of Jimin returning for him.

This was what was right.

At least, that's what he kept telling himself.

• • •

Author here! 🙃

If you're still reading, I assume you're liking the story, so thank you! If you're not, this just got awkward lol

I'm sorry I'm incredibly disorganized with my updates but just know that I do my best to have a new chapter as often as possible! <3

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