The Seed of Calamity/ Slave girl

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warning: this is a fan-fiction, therefore a lot of aspects of this book aren't accurate to the original. Please read or watch The Rising of the Shield hero before reading this as some spoilers may be present

I don't own The Rising of The Shield hero, this is just a fan-fiction. The series belongs to it's respective owner. 


Y/n's pov

An endless plain of darkness, a barren wasteland that was once a beautiful world. I was once the hero of this land, but now I am it's prisoner. Held here by the legendary weapon that I once used to protect the people from calamity. My chains firmly wrapped around my body, holding me to the ground as the sprouts of the calamity destroy what is left in this dimension. This is my punishment for failing to protect the world from the seed of calamity. I was so close to destroying the seed, but before my chains could crush the threat, the seed had sprouted out into my world and destroyed everything. I was not the first hero to fail to protect my world, and I was sure I wasn't going to be the last. The seed require a world to release its built up power so it selects 2 worlds and have them choose which will be destroyed. The waves of calamity connect the worlds together through the dimension where the seed resides. Monsters leave through the gaps formed creating the waves that the Heroes must fight against in order for their world to continue existing. If both worlds can fight off enough waves for the seed to release all of it's power, then the calamity will stop. Sadly that takes too long for any world to survive, so the worlds have heroes with the purpose of getting rid of another world's heroes. I was the first hero to try to fight the seed directly, but in order to do that I had left my world without a hero. I was the reason for the end of my world and now I must watch as the calamity releases all of it's power upon my world. 

Suddenly, the fissures in the sky that connected my world to the calamity dimension had completely covered the sky, and everything around me had vanished. Leaving only me behind, chained to nothing. I heard a voice speak out from everywhere "Chained one. you have failed in your goal of protecting your world, but you have not been destroyed. do you know why?"  I stared into the abyss around me "This is my punishment..." "Not quiet. This is not a punishment, more over a second chance." I frowned and closed my eyes "why would there be a second chance, I failed my only purpose. This world is gone" "Your attempt to destroy me has intrigued me, none before had even tried. I wish to see what you could have accomplished if you were summoned when you were supposed to be" "when I was supposed to be?" "This world had summoned you before your time to be summoned. You were too young, too Naive. You were raised to fight against me, to save your world. You were destined to fail. You were no longer a hero from another world but a child taken from another world. " I opened my eyes, in front of me was a purple form, the seed Of calamity that I had failed to destroy "why. why does it have to be me!" " You had to potential to become a hero, but had no time to build it. I am giving you the chance to use that potential to save another world. " "and what if I fail that world as well" " Then I will move you to another. Until the day you are able to stop my calamity " "but I'm not special in any way. I'm just a failure" " Then I shall make you special. The Chains Binding you are no longer legendary weapons. so I shall change them for you " The chains wrapped around me disappeared, only for a shackle to appear on my wrist, connected to a purple chain. "Great, now I am even more of a prisoner..." " you are now my prisoner, Cursed hero " "cursed hero?" " you will know in time. It seems our conversation will be drawing to it's close, a calamity has began in a new world. they are late to summon their heroes. So I shall send you through the first wave. But you cannot fight until it is gone " "wait!"  I was suddenly falling down, away from the seed. Only for my vision to fade. 

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