Cursed Shield

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y/n's pov

It was the middle of the night, and Naofumi was working on making some accessories for Raphtalia and Filo. The 3 girls were sound asleep so he was able to work without them knowing about it. I watched from up in a tree that I had climbed to keep watch during the night. Naofumi walked over to Raphtalia and was comparing the bracelet he made to Raphtalia's arm size. After that he went over to Filo and went to do the same with a hair pin he had made, however Filo woke up so he hid it behind his back. Filo went back to sleep after a little and Naofumi walked back over to his tool to finish touching up the accessories. I shrugged and took the necklace I had made the other day out of my pocket, since Naofumi was making that accessory for Filo, I wouldn't need to give this to her. I decided to put it on myself since the [Quick Step] ability would be pretty useful. I looked out into the forest, keeping watch until morning came. Once the sun had come up, Naofumi immediately started getting the wagon ready to continue travel, until Raphtalia noticed an old woman and small boy walking on the path. Naofumi cooked food for them at Raphtalia's request and after they had finished eating the old woman spoke "You fold had better turn back." the boy spoke after her "If you keep going, you'll die" Naofumi frowned "We heard there's a village down this path" The old woman looked down "The village is done for. The plague even got the village elder." Naofumi looked towards the path and sighed. After cleaning up all the stuff used for making food and eating, we continued to the village.

After a while of traveling, we made out way to a very run down looking village. The only sign of life was an old man standing on his porch, who noticed us and spoke "What brings you to a place like this?" Naofumi looked over at him "I'm a traveling merchant. I'm here to sell you medicine" The man stared at us "travelling merchant......wait, that Filolial...Could it be the Heavenly Fowl?" the man suddenly ran down the road, yelling "Doctor!" he ran to a brick building and knocked on the door until a man walked out "What's the matter?" the old man spoke "Our  Savior of the Heavenly Fowl has come for us!"The man looked over at us in surprise. After we were taken inside quickly. Naofumi looked at the man "Doctor?" the man nodded "I run the village clinic.....If I may ask, are you really..." Naofumi frowned "I'm only here to sell you medicine" The doctor smiled "Even that would be a great help! I cannot make nearly enough for everyone!" We went into a room that was filled with beds of sick people. A lady in a nurse robe stood up "Doctor, who are these people?" the doctor looks at her "Oh, they say they'll sell us medicine" Naofumi frowned "looking at this, I should probably give it to them myself" They watched as Naofumi walked up to a bed and took out a potion, using his potion enhance skill on the potion as he gave it to the person. The person glowed slightly before starting to look better. Soon he had me, Rifana and Raphtalia helping give potions to the sick. Naofumi and I used potion enhance on the potions to heal the people better. After we finished, we went outside and unloaded a few boxes of potions into the storage shed outside. When we went back inside, the doctor gave Naofumi a small bag of coin. Naofumi sat down and counted the coin "Fifty silver huh?" the doctor frowned "will it be enough?" Naofumi sighed and closed his eyes "you are a bit short, but I will take it" The doctor smiled "you were truly a great help. Now we've staved off the immediate crisis" Naofumi glared slightly "are you truly satisfied with that? All I did was treat their symptoms. I didn't cure them. They'll eventually go back to square one" I shook my head and mumbled "unless we do something about the source" The  doctor looked down "You're indeed right" Naofumi spoke again "not that I mind since I'll be making more money. Let's see what dies out first, you or your coffers." Rifana glared at him but I grabbed her hand to calm her. The nurse got angry "We know that we can't let this go on! but....there's nothing we can do." Raphtalia speaks up "what do you mean?" the nurse looked at her "we believe the wind from the mountain that's home to monsters is the cause." Naofumi looked at them "Mountain that's home to monsters?" 

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