Filo the Filolial

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Y/n's pov

I woke up in the morning with Rifana sleeping on top of me. I carefully moved her off of me and got up out of the bed. I got my armor on and stretched, deciding to put my mask back into my inventory. I looked at Rifana and smiled, gently shaking her awake. She looked up at me before sitting up and stretching "m-morning master" "get up and get ready for the day Rifana. and I told you before that you don't have to call me that" she nodded and got up "I like calling you master though" I frowned and nodded "okay then..." I stepped out of the room so she could get ready. I walked over to Naofumi's room and knocked on the door gently. He opened the door and I looked at him, seeing a bird on top of his head. "pft" he frowned "don't laugh at me" I covered my mouth and nodded "okay, okay. I see the egg hatched." he sighed "yeah, now I have to find out what it is" I nodded "alright, Rifana should be out of the room soon so we can head out soon" Raphtalia walked out of the room next to Naofumi and looked at me "Oh, you took off your mask!" I nodded "yeah, I figured I wouldn't need it for a little." She nodded "where is Rifana?" Right after she asked, Rifana walked out of the room. She was wearing the cloak but had the hood down so we could see her head. Rifana hugged Raphtalia and smiled "morning!" I watched them and sighed, looking at Naofumi "let's let them catch up with each other while we go find out what type of monster that it" He nodded and we left the 2 girls. 

We got outside and saw that people were already working on rebuilding things. Naofumi had went up to someone and questioned them about the monster. "ah, that's a filolial. they are the birds that you see pulling wagons, in fact they get kind of restless if you don't let them pull a wagon around every once in a while." Naofumi nodded "what do I feed it?" "they will eat just about anything, but I recommend feeding it some soft beans until it grows a bit" Naofumi thanked the guy and asked where to get some of the beans "Ah, here, you can have these beans. consider it a thank you gift for protecting our village." as Naofumi took them I looked at the guy "Shouldn't you use that to feed your own Filolial?" the man shook his head "most of 'em died during the wave, so we wont be needing as much as we have." I nodded and looked at Naofumi "that answers that i guess. Lets go get some breakfast and then see about training that filolial up a bit." Naofumi nodded and we headed back into the Inn. Naofumi fed the filolial a bowl of the beans, while the rest of us ate regular breakfast. After we ate, we all headed out into the field and hunted monsters with the filolial. After leveling it up for a while we headed back to the inn and ate dinner, this time Naofumi had fed the filolial 3 bowls of the beans. The filolial had gotten much bigger from the day, and after a few day the filolial was staying the night in a pin since it had gotten too big for the room. 

skip time

It had been a few days since the filolial had hatched. It was currently early in the morning and I had gotten up before Rifana again. I had gotten out of bed carefully and went outside, out to the pin where the Filolial is being kept. I saw Naofumi petting the bird monster I chuckled, walking up next to him. "morning Naofumi, checking on the Filolial?" He nodded "Filo seems to be happy today." "you named the filolial Filo?" he nodded "It's simple and she seems to like it" I sighed, closing my eyes and shaking my head, then I felt something soft rub against my face. I opened my eyes and saw feathers. "Filo seems to like you" I sighed and pet the giant bird "well, I may not agree with the naming choice, but who could hate such an adorable creature." I kept petting Filo as she nuzzled me, her feathers were really soft so it was pleasant. Naofumi laughed at me but I just ignored him. After a while I stopped petting and stepped back "wow, if I had a pillow half as soft as her feathers I wouldn't be able to get up in the morning" Naofumi laughed again "yeah, but I can hardly believe that Filo grew so quickly." I nodded "it's not that surprising when you think of the growth rate of those 2." Naofumi nodded "true..." We let Filo out of the pin and played with her. After a while Raphtalia and Rifana came outside. We all talked for a bit until we noticed a large group gathered at the center of town. We headed over there and saw the princess holding up a paper. "As part of the reward from protecting this country from the previous wave, The Spear Hero, Motoyasu has been given this land to govern. We will be putting a entry and exit fee of 50 silver coins in order to help with the rebuilding fees." the villages were obviously upset, complaining to them and saying that it was the shield hero that saved them not the spear hero. "Are you really going to go against a royal decree? Does anyone have a problem with this?" Suddenly Naofumi spoke up "Obviously they are going to have a problem with it" she looked at him and frowned "what are you doing here, this is Motoyasu-sama's land. so you can leave immediately" Naofumi ignored her and looked at Motoyasu "Hey, Motoyasu, do you know how much it costs to spend a single night at the Inn here?" Motoyasu looks at him and frowns " I don't" Naofumi flipped a silver coin into the air "It costs a single silver coin a night, meals included. You are basically charging 100 days of staying here just to enter and leave here."

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