What Feels Like An Eternity

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Y/n's Pov

I woke up warm and comfortable but felt an unnatural weight on my chest. I looked down slowly only to find Fitoria laying there, sleeping peacefully. I smiled a bit and pet her gently so I didn't wake her, which caused her to nuzzle into my chest and make a purring noise. It was adorable, but probably not a noise a bird should make. I continued petting her gently for a while until it was time to wake her. I stopped petting and thought about how I was going to wake her until I saw her head turn up to give me a glare "I didn't allow you to stop yet." I stared blankly at her "You're awake, time to get up" Her glare stayed on her face before she turned her head back down to hide her face "No, I'm asleep, keep petting." I chuckled a bit before speaking again "No, we need to get up and get the day started." She let out a very long and exaggerated groan before slowly getting off me and sitting on the edge of the mattress "You're no fun." I shrugged and stood up slowly. I was going to say something but suddenly my vision started getting blurry and I felt like the room was shifting. I turned towards Fitoria as my vision started to darken "Fitoria.." I saw her turn towards me and panic flashed onto her face as I felt like something was pulling on me from behind. As my vision faded completely, I heard her scream out "Master!" Then I couldn't feel or hear anything.

Fitoria's Pov

"No.no. no. t-this can't happen again. this can't be happening again!" I couldn't stop tears from trailing down my face as I knelt on the floor in the spot where Y/n was pulled into a strange rift by a black mist. Again, someone I cared about is being taken away and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I can't even see his name in the status magic anymore. He was no longer in this world. He was supposed to stay with me, we were supposed to travel together and force the heroes to work together. I was happy for the first time in hundreds of years, I finally had someone that was going to stay by my side. I'm not ready for him to be gone. please... please come back. 

Y/n's pov

I opened my eyes to find myself staring up at an expanse of darkness, the only color being the stars so far in the distance that it would be impossible to reach them. I was unable to move, stuck in place by black chains. I stared at the status magic, noticing my stats. [Failure Hero. Level: (max) 9999. Status: (Binded) Stats: (Locked)]. If my level had been restored to this, then I was back to the world I was summoned to, what's left of it anyways. The rifts were no longer there to release monsters onto the world, the land that I could see was barren and devoid of all life, even an energy detecting skill couldn't pick up anything besides me and the chains binding me. I struggled to try and break out of the chains, but they didn't budge at all. I continued to struggle for as long as I had the energy to, but still, the chains wouldn't move or loosen. When I had finally given up, a cold and lifeless breeze passed over me, carrying dust and debris without making a single sound. There was no moon or sun to indicate the passage of time, the only reason I could see anything was because of a skill that was unlocked in this world that allowed me to see anything regardless of light levels. Not even the sound of a monster could be heard in this desolate land. Not even the scent of ash or dirt could be picked up by my nose. I could only feel the air and dust brush past me. 

Slowly I started hearing the sounds my own body was making. The thumping of my heart, the movement of my blood, the inflating and deflating of my lungs. The sounds became louder and louder as an unknown amount of time passed. The feeling of air dragging dust over my face began feeling heavier, like claws dragging across my face and digging into my skin. No skin was broke, yet it felt like I was being withered away by each passing flake. With no moisture in the air, my eyes and mouth became drier with each passing moment. Until my eyes felt uncomfortable in my skull, until my tongue became like sandpaper in my jaws. Time seemed to be still yet moving quickly at the same time, a slow torture as I was only left with my thoughts and my few senses. Color began to lose all meaning as I was left with nothing but a greyscale world around me. I could see each flake of dust in the air above me, each piece of unknown material that landed on my eyes, yet blinking did nothing but dig it in further. 

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