The Church of Treason

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Y/n's pov

I jumped down into the crater and landed down next to Melty, changing my chains into adamantine with a blade on the end. "Melty, what happened here?" Melty looked over at me "Y/n! you're alright" I nodded "That doesn't matter right, tell me what happened" Melty nodded "We were fighting with the spear hero but the pope showed up and attacked us with a large area attack spell." I looked up at the pope who was looking down at us "Ah, it seems the princesses guard has arrived. It is such a shame that you are on the wrong side of things, you showed so much potential to be a devout follower. It's not too late to be on the wrong side of things child, you can join the side of God and help us purge this world of the false heroes and the devil of the shield." "I'm sorry, but the path I have chosen will not change. I will protect Melty with my life. Besides, I can't fight for any God anymore." The pope shook his head "Its such a shame. Very well, you can die with the Devil of the Shield and the fake Spear Hero." The pope stuck out his hand and another person walked up and handed him a golden sword. Melty let out a gasps when she saw it. I looked over at her as the pope continued on with his speech about rightful order or something. Melty looked up at Naofumi and spoke "Watch out, Naofumi! That sword is.. " Melty was cut off as the pope pointed the sword in out direction, a golden beam of light launching out of it. Naofumi ran to the front and lifted his shield to block the attack, clearly being strained by the force of the attack. 

Seeing that the attack didn't work, the pope spoke out "For a devil, you are pretty tough. . . That'll be enough trial shots. Now face the real thing." The sword began glowing in his hand and it changed into a spear. Motoyasu ran up and stood next to Naofumi "h-hey! That sword turned into a spear" I sighed "we can see that dumbass." Melty spoke up "There is no mistake, That's a replica of the Cardinal Weapons!" Raphtalia looked over at her. "A .. Replica?" Melty nodded "In the past there was an attempt to duplicate the four weapons of the legendary heroes to make the ultimate weapon, which could change forms and use each weapon's skills. I was taught that is was lost many centuries ago." Motoyasu spoke up "t-that's totally not fair! Say, Myne. Is it true?" Malty looked over at him "H-how would I know?" Melty has a slightly disappointed look on her face "it's so famous, anyone dabbling in Melromarc's and the Church's history would know of it. Finding it should've been huge news." Naofumi spoke "But the Three Heroes Church has kept it hidden." Melty nodded "Maybe its loss was a lie made up by the Church too." Naofumi looked irratated. "Why'd you summon the heroes if you had a weapon like that?" I stared at the weapon in the popes hand "I can hazard a guess but it probably isn't their reason" In my vision was a very ironic message [Cursed weapon detected: Hero weapon replica] 

Melty spoke again "That weapon is mighty, but it consumes a massive amount of mana. Just that one swing earlier must've drained dozens of magicians of their mana." The pope spoke, with his creepy plastic like smile "No wonder you're the first in line for the throne, Melty Sama. You have educated yourself well. Completely unlike your sister, who was too busy conspiring to study." Malty glared up at the pope as he continued talking "The mana this legendary weapon requires will be provided by all the believers here. My brethren, this is a battle between our lord and the Devil of the Shield. It is a holy crusade in the name of God. Offer your prayers to the legendary weapon imbued with divine power, and we shall purge this world of the fake Spear Hero and the Devil of the Shield." I stared up at the weapon as it began gathering mana from the people praying behind the pope. If I had that weapon, I would be able to drain the seed of calamity of it's powers and end the waves of catastrophy, I would only need to get rid of the pope and take the weapon from him. Motoyasu started some speech about how evil the pope was and defeating him, however an attack he launched had no effect at all, other than making the pope laugh. Naofumi and Melty figured that they would need to get rid of the popes mana supply in order to defeat him, and Motoyasu attempted to pull the trope of 'now is the time for us to put our differences aside and work together.' Immediatly afterwards he launched a combo attack at the pope, the attacked failed of course. 

The Redemption of The Chain Hero (TROTSH x Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن