Chapter 5: Victoria and An Android?!

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Aspen's P.O.V

We landed on Earth, twenty years into the past. I watched as Trunks killed Frieza, than King Cold.

Well, we gave Goku the antidote, told him about the androids, and left.

-Skipping to Cell.-

We came back later on and I stared at this girl who was huddling so close to Gohan.

"Did I miss something?" I said a little to loud. 

Everyone looked to me confused. I caught a glimpse of the girl's silky, pale skin and her carmel colored eyes. Her light brown hair sat perfectly on her shoulders.

Guess I was staring to long because she gave me this,"What?!" look. I shook my head and looked to everyone and remembered what I was saying.

"Since when did Gohan have a girlfriend?" I pointed to her. "Or did he always have one?"

"I would've noticed that." Trunks said.

"Oh I know you would've." I smiled.

"Eww!!! His girlfriend?! I'm his little sister!" She exclaimed.

I giggled, fighting a full on laugh.

"Oops, sorry." I smiled innocently.

Vegeta was staring intensively at me. I looked to him and thought,"He's my dad, and he knows it. What's he want?"

"Why do you look like 17 and 18?" He asked, and I looked at Trunks panicked.

"Why, don't you?" I asked awkwardly.

He rolled his midnight, black eyes.

"Just answer me." He snapped.

"You take this one Trunks. We have seven more days until the cell games right? I'll be right back. Err, Gohan'a sister..."


"Right, Victoria. Come with me."

She nodded, and we blasted off...

Trunk's P.O.V 

"Aspen, is an android. Back in our time she was kidnapped and they turned her into an android, who knows how." I said and everyone's eyes popped open.

"That traitor! She'll kill us all!" Yamcha yelled.

"She's my sister and it was against her own will!" I yelled back.

"No Trunks. Stop arguing and see something clearly. She's an android, she could easily be telling 17 and 18 of your time of these visits." Vegeta sternly said.

"She's my sister and yo-your daughter. She's with me every second. And she's with Victoria now. She's not like that!" I stated back. She's never do that to us.

"Open your eyes, Trunks. Don't be a fool. She's playing you and you're falling for it." Vegeta kept on.

"Stop it, Vegeta. I don't see what this is accomplishing." Piccolo stepped in.

"Yeah, if anything it proves she could be more help. She knows more about androids, so maybe she knows about Cell." Krillen's words stuck with me.

Had she seen Cell before..?

"Stop daydreaming Trunks! Kakarot and Gohan just entered the hyperbolic time chamber and I don't need you asleep when they come out!" Vegeta snapped me out of thought.

"Right." I nodded, and waited for my sister...

Aspen's P.O.V 

I looked around, then back into Victoria's sweet, calm eyes.

"Hey, can I ask you somethings...?"

I was shocked by the question, but nodded calmly.

"Who are you for starters, and why are you here?" She stopped flying, expectantly.

"I'm Aspen. Trunks's little sister from the future. I'm an android to. I was kidnapped and turned into one, so totally on your side. And no, I was kidnapped from our house, I was originally saiyan. I'm here to help you guys in the Cell Games." I smiled sweetly.

"What's the future like?" She kept on, calmly.

"It's a living nightmare..." I recalled, thinking on how to describe it.

"Hardly any life left. It's full of blood, killings and death, destruction. No one would ever in their right minds go there. It's horrible beyond words..." I snapped out of the memory.

"Is Android 17 hot?" She asked, her eyes lighting up a bit.

"What?! Did you just ask if 17 was hot?" She nodded.

I thought about it...

"I never actually considered it... I guess he is pretty handsome..." I got lost in thought at the memory of when I was trapped in the laboratory with 17.

She snapped me into reality with a new question,"Does Gohan actually ever end up with a girl?"

I recalled the memory of Gohan and his "chew attack" moment with Trunks.

"Nope, he never got the chance to before they killed him..." I looked down at the memories.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I asking too many questions?" She asked.

"No, I don't mind it. It's fun feeling smart." I smiled and she returned one.

"Where am I in the future?"

"You? You're not in our future. You must be part of the alternative future since we changed the timeline, your here, but you weren't before." I said smoothly.

"So I guess what is my life in the future would be nothing?"

"Well, in my future, yes. But obviously you have a future. Since, you're here now and you weren't before. Is that it?" I asked patiently.

"Yeah, thanks for the information. Wanna go back now?"

"Sure, I'm sure they've cooled it with the 'android' thing." I said hopefully.

We went back and everyone was staring awkwardly at me. I looked away and at Vegeta who just stared at me disapprovingly. I looked to Trunks and he smiled. I walked over to him and hugged him hugely.

"Any other secrets you'd like to tell us?" Vegeta growled.

Trunks looked to me,"N-No."

I looked at him, and he kinda blushed. I knew he was hiding something, and the look in Vegeta's eyes mean't he knew it as well.

"Spill it. Is this about my android/saiyan daughter again?" Vegeta snapped.

"Well, yes, but she's not ready to know. Plus, wait for Goku and Gohan to get out..." Trunks said nervously and uncertainly.

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