Chapter 19: Life or Death

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Q: @mihe1Dbz Where do you get all this inspiration?

A: My inspiration comes from 4 very important people to me.

XxLifeSucksBallsxX, GraciesNutella, ParisCrystal. and 10TennantLove10 it also comes from my favorite 2 bands Evanescence and Muse and my favorite singer Avril Lavigne. I oddly write better when I'm depressed. I'm really glad you like it. I was going to take this story down so many times so I'd have to say my biggest inspiration and supporter is: @GraciesNutella. She kept me going. So special thanks to her. She also helped me write all this.

Q: @GotensGirl I'm confused. How is Gurés, Rinji and Aspen tied together? Wah! Confusion overload!

A: Rinji and Gures are sorta friends. You see, The Saiyan Princess?!?! by GraciesNutella is basically the alternative future from which Victoria originates from. Rinji is Aspen but in the alternative future. So they're the same people from different time frames.

A/N: Keep the Q's&A's coming! I'll do them every chapter I get them!)

"Gures, step back! You can't kill 17 and the parasite's obviously not leaving so we can't fight until we get him out!" I snapped and she growled, going normal.

"Well, while you take pity, let's see who else he'll kill or kidnap!"she snapped back.

"Well- wait, who'd he take from you guys? That's why you're here isn't it?" I asked.

"Yes, it's true. That's why we're here. Goku and Vegeta Jr. are missing." Victoria explained.

"I was watching them. Oh gosh, Rinji and Pan are going to kill me!" Gures exclaimed.

"My other half? If she is like me, then she would understand. Now I don't know about this 'pan' person is, so I can't promise about her." I said, staring into Gures's intense, annoyed eyes.

"She may be your other half, but she sure doesn't have your understanding." Gures said, a Goku smile creeping onto her face.

"Oh, then I wonder how she is. Too bad I can't meet her." I said, and looked to where a parasite-infested 17 had stood," And he's gone..." I muttered.

"Yeah, I've noticed." Victoria and Gures snapped.

"Sheesh, sorry." I said, and started walking back to where he had held me captive.

"What the heck?! Aspen, just where do you think you're going?!" They screamed.

"You're missing two little boys, right? Well, ever think they may be where I was held? I mean there were other cells there." I smiled and waved them off, continuing down the stairs to the bottom.

Soon enough, they came down after me and we were searching.

I was walking alongside the wall leading to my old cell when I tripped and fell. I slammed my face into a bar and looked up. There was nothing there but a wall that was about 10-15 feet away from me.

"Hey Aspen! You okay down there?!" I heard Victoria yell from the upper level of the cells.

"Yeah, I'm almost done scoping out this place." I answered, and reached out.

I felt nothing but air until suddenly I felt two warm hands grip mine. I screamed and pulled back, falling back into the cell across from the wall, which happened to be my old one.

"Ri-Aspen?!" Gures said, correcting herself.

Dang I must be like Riniji.

"You okay?! What happed?!" Victoria said.

"Okay, first I fell and hit my head on bars that aren't even there! Then when I went to feel for them I felt nothing. I was about to pull back when two hands gripped me tightly!" I explained.

"How big we're these hands?" Gures asked.

"Not big at all. Rather small actually." I said.

"Stick you hand back in that area." Victoria ordered, so I did what she said reluctantly.

"Goku and Vegeta Jr., if that's you two, then Goku Jr., grab her wrist, and Vegeta Jr., her pinky. I know it's weird but in those to places we can tell for sure it's you." Gures ordered also.

In a few seconds, three small fingers wrapped around my pinky, and a small hand wrapped around my wrist.

"Oh my gosh! I feel them! They're there!" I screamed and they let go so I could pull back.

"So, any bright ideas on how to free them?" Victoria said like a challenge, more than a question.

"Well, they have each other, so let's go confront the parasite now. We have to get him out of 17's body and destroy him... After getting the info on how to save these to." I said, and Gures glared at me.

"We can't leave them!" She snapped.

"Okay." I stuck my hand out," Grab me if you guys want to do it my way, or don't if you want us to stay and figure it out on our own." I instructed, and soon felt four tiny hands and two matching pairs gripping me," And that settles it." I pulled back,"We promise to be back as soon as we can! Hang tight, little bros!" I said, and ran out, feeling a little guilty for leaving them.

"Aspen, are you sure they'll be fine..?" Gures questioned.

"Aspen'a smart. She always knows what to do. Trust in her." Victoria backed me up.

"Glad to hear that... Victoria, stay here and guard them. If he comes back, raise your power level as high as you can and Gures and I will come as fast as we can. Got it?" I demanded.

"Got it." She muttered slightly enthusiastic.

"Smart." Gures complimented.

"Thanks." I said.

"Now I get to miss out on all the fun and action. Thanks." Victoria muttered, but ran back in.

Gures and I quickly flew off towards a pitch black, drabby city.

"I've been expecting you." Said a painfully, cooing voice that I've fallen in love with.

And before us, was a taken over 17, and a limp, out cold figure. The 17 chucked something I couldn't see in the dark.

"Trunks!!" Gures screamed, and I fell to my knees in shock and pain as a knife entered my chest.

I gasped for air, and spat up blood before slamming into the ground, out cold. Trunks's pale face and closed eyes, and Gures scream for me were the last things I heard and saw before I blacked out into a deafening sleep.

(A/N: Okay. So leave your Q&A's for me!! I hope you liked this! Short I know, but I tried! I may even add another chapter tonight before I fall asleep!! =D Comment, I will reply. Vote, BSS needs. Wow, it's almost done! And I love this story so much! Aspen has been through a lot and has grown so much!! Should I continue with a second when this is over? GraciesNutella and I already have idea if you want more! Comment your votes!!)

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