Chapter 7: Falling for an Android?!

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Victoria's P.OV

I followed after Aspen thinking about how hurt Trunks must be right now. I was just going to calm her down.

"Hey! Stop!" I yelled after her and she instantly obeyed.


"What's wrong with you? Why are you flipping out about this? He's an evil android, you can't care for him that much." She gave me that look I'd always recognize.

"Crap, you don't?!" I started.

"I do! I can't help it! He likes me back! He told me so... And he's so cute, so sweet and caring. You just have to know him!" I shook my head at her.

"17 could be deceiving... There's no guarentee."

"He hugged me before taking me out of the cave when I was turned into an android. He said,'Now your as beautiful as ever.' And whispered,'I love you.' into my ear. I-I don't know! I'm so confused..." She stopped and looked past me.

I turned, and there was Trunks, staring at her wide-eyed and speechless.

"What!? Y-You're kidding, right?!" He snapped and she flinched.

"No I'm not..."

"You are in so much trouble."

"How?! You aren't my brother and Bulma's not my mom. Technically, I don't have to do a crap you say!" He looked at her completely and utterly shocked.

Aspen's P.O.V

I looked at Trunks. Did I just say that?!

"A-Aspen...?" Trunks shook his head, his eyes watery.

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out until,"I don't know. I like him and hate him..." I threw my arms around Trunks.

I was crying,"I'm so sorry!"

He pushed me off him.

"No, don't touch me. I'm not your brother, remember?"

"Trunks?!" My voice squeaked in a pleading voice. He flew off and I broke down crying.

Victoria took me away,"Its okay Aspen. I'm here."

"It's not okay, he hates me!"

"No, Trunks is just confused. He'll come around."

I sighed,"Yeah right."

"Trunks loves you."

"Just like you love him? It's not that much a secret ya'know."

"Wha-What? I don't love him, I just know what happens." She blushed.

"Yeah, okay. Wait, what do you mean..?"

"I-" she paused,"I'm from an alternative future from where Goku lives."

"You what?! What's my life like there?"

"You're Vegeta's daughter in mind, strength, and blood."

"So my life's not a lie..."

"Not there, no." She smiled.

"What am I like?" I asked curiously.

"You spent most of your life trying to get rid of somebody. You never lived like she did."

"You-You mean I'm dead?"

"No, just broken hearted."

"Why?" I pressed on.

"Someone you love died."

"What?! Who?!"

"You don't know them yet. Look, I've said too much. Just remember to live your life and protect everyone you love, okay?"

"I promise." I nodded and she hugged me.

"Wait, does that mean even your future is awful?" I asked.

"Yes, though not like yours."

"Oh, I'm sorry for anything I did to you. That doesn't sound like me..." I thought things over. 'Live your life...' That stuck with me.

I looked around,"Should we go back?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I have a feeling we aren't exactly wanted right now."


"It's not like that." She rolled her beautiful eyes,"Have you ever seen the Capsule Corps not destroyed?" She asked.

I shook my head and showed her the picture of the Capsule Corps from my time.

"That's awful! Here, if you follow me, I'll show you what it looks like, and if I can I'll sneak you in and show you our rooms and stuff." I nodded and grabbed her hand. We flew off to the capsule corps, and boy was it beautiful not destroyed.

Dragon Ball Z: Before she speaks (Fanfic) (Under Reconstruction)Where stories live. Discover now