Chapter 18: Violence

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"17 what's wrong?" I asked and he pinned me harder.

I looked into his eyes that were ice blue, but this time they were... Red.

"Are you even 17?" I demanded, rather than asked.

"Of course I am Aspen," He said and rubbed his fingers to my cheek,"Don't be ridiculous."

I pushed him off me as hard as I could,"You're not 17! He would never touch me like that!" I said, and turned to the door.

He quickly shut it, and locked it.

Then he grabbed me by the throat, and flipped me into the ground, breaking the edge of my desk with my head. I rubbed my head and now everything was coming at me or moving in circles. The sounds were hollow and echoing.

"You don't look so good." The imposter said.

"You head slammed me my desk..." I said slurring the scrambled words and tried to stand.

He grabbed my ankle and I slammed into the ground. Then he took something out and bit the cap off, throwing it into the corner where it exploded slightly, and I flinched. He left the room, locking it on the outside.

This awful smell filled the room and I started coughing because I couldn't breathe. Sounds were buzzing and echoing still and I couldn't hardly make anything out as the objects in my room circled and twirled around me.

When I finally reached the door I put my hands on it and could feel the imposter's energy right outside the door.

"Let me out!" I screamed and exploded into coughing,"I can't breathe! Please, just let me out!" I begged.

"Carbon monoxide. The silent killer. That's what's in the container. Have fun breathing that up." He stated and started laughing.

I started banging in the door with what strength I had. The noise hurt my ears and echoed, ringing throughout my head but I didn't care.

Eventually, I had too little air in my lungs, and slowly but surely I collapsed to the ground. The sounds and sight got worse until I blacked out to the smiling impostors face, and the sound of whooshing coming from the opened container.

* * *

I woke up, in a cell much darker, damper, and stuffier than the one I had been in with 18 and 17 when I was turned into an android.

I started coughing and sputtering until eventually I saw this little itty bitty door with a barred window. I ran over and grabbed the bars. They shocked me and I fell to the ground.

"What the-?" I was cut off.

"You're in my prison from which you will never escape. You will die of hunger or thirst, but you are not leaving here." Said the voice of 17.

"Who are you?!" I said and he started to walk away.

"Hey, wait! If you're going to sit here and let me die at least tell me who you are!!!" I screamed.

"I'm your worst nightmare. I'm kinda like a parasite, but not full on Tuffle status." He answered.

"No name?" I asked.

"You'll get it soon enough, and fear it until you die." He growled and left me, turning off the little light I had.

Within seconds I felt cold air and then I heard a crash. Light rushed in revealing Victoria standing next to some girl and the whole front of the cell was destroyed.

"Victoria!" I screamed and ran to hug her, but tripped and she caught me, then hugged me.

"Haha. Clumsy as always, ey Aspen?" She smiled and we let go.

I turned my attention to the girl, who had her hair in a high ponytail.

"And you to, random girl!" I exclaimed.

"Names Gures." She said, smiling like Goku.

"Gures?! As in Rinji and Gures?!" I smiled and hugged her.

"Woah, you're a hugger,"She exclaimed," and yes. Gures like Rinji and Gures." She confirmed.

"What're you doing here?!" I yelled letting go and laughing.

"Saving your butt! Lets go!" Victoria said and they pulled me out of the place, but of course, who were we met by?

Yeah, the parasite.

"Ah, little Gures has come to stop me, and with Victoria. But where's Rinji? Missing out as always?" He taunted.

"No! Vegeta wouldn't let his princess come!" Victoria exclaimed.

"Oh, he was afraid to lose his precious Aspen?! Or, oops. Rinji." He smiled at me, meaning his mistake.

"What?!" I asked, and yelled.

"Umm.. Nothing." Gures muttered.

"Who's Rinji?" I demanded.

"Yes, do tell her." He said, smiling from in 17's body.

"She's your other half. She's you, but in my time. She was born to Vegeta, though. Not Goku, so she has a different name." Victoria explained.

"So why can't I meet my other half?" I asked, somewhat sad about it.

"Every hear of a time lapse? Yeah, basically you can't see her because two halves of different times meeting could destroy both worlds." Gures explained this time.

"Oh. Well that sucks." I said, slouching slightly.

"Yeah, boohoo. Lets fight already. Or is Gures too scared?" He taunted.

"I'm not scared. Let's go! I'll destroy you, no sweat." Gures went super saiyan level 3.

"Wait! You can't fight him! He's in 17! You fight him and 17 will die!!!" I screamed.

"And?" Gures said, crossing her arms.

"And I love him!" I snapped at her.

"Oh... That's a problem..." Gures muttered, stepping forward.

(A/N: Okay! So everyone loves this story now! Lol. I'll update it more often! Okay, lets do this for fun. Q's and A's!! You ask me a question about the story and I'll answer it in the next chapter. The question will be titled as your username. Also, so should I have Gures fight him now or him get away and later? Vote now! One. Last. Thing! This story is tied with GraciesNutella's The Saiyan Princess?!?!?! Ergo, Rinji, Gures, and Victoria. =D Comment, vote if you do votes, and talk to ya guys latser!!)

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