Chapter 11: Back Alive with No Goku

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I fluttered my eyes open to see everyone cheering and Victoria hugged me tight.

"You're okay!" She hugged.

"I won't be if you squeeze the air out of me." I smiled and she let go laughing.


"Where's Go-Dad?" I asked.

"He..uh..he decided not to come back."

"Oh, okay." I said a little deflated.

"Come on Aspen. We have to go home. To the future." Trunks said and walked up to me.

"Hey Trunks, before you go, why don't you guys just use the Namekian dragon balls to bring everyone back, I mean they have no limit." Gohan said.

"I-I never thought of that. Thanks Gohan!" Trunks smiled to me.

"You can leave first thing tomorrow, but why don't you two crash at my house tonight?" Bulma asked and we nodded.

~Next day~

We walked to the time pods and I looked to Vegeta who held to fingers up to say good bye. I did a peace sign and Trunks waved. We loaded the pods and disappeared. We were back to the future and ready to fight the androids.

When we returned I sat on a car and watch as 17 was going to shoot a man with a gun before Trunks came to save him. Trunks killed them both that day. First 18, then 17. Think our story is over? It's just begun. Wait til you hear the story about after the androids.

(A/N: Sorry this chapter is really short. I'll try to update soon. Next chapter is after the androids.)

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