Chapter 2: Locked away

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Aspen P.O.V.

"Help! Help.." I said, not bothering to yell. "Why does this always happen to me?" I heard footsteps. "Trunks?!" I called out hopefully, but it was 17. I sighed," Of course not..."

"Cheer up, Aspen. Aren't you happy to see me?" He said, and I heard a door slam and lock, I'm guessing the door that hides the lab. He unlocked and opened the cell. "Here, we're not going to be that unkind to you." He smiled," We're not all that evil."

"Yo-you've killed people, and torn apart families...You killed my father!!"

"Because he was trying to kill us. It was an act of self defense. You saiyans don't understand. You only see us as evil things."

"Well, but. I was always taught you were. What, you want me to believe your not? 17, you guys have done unspeakable things! Explain that!"

"You know why? We never wanted to be androids! We were kidnapped by Dr. Gero and he turned us into monsters. You think we wanted to be like this?!" 17 yelled, and I flinched. I had never thought to think of it like that.

"Well, I'm sorry...I just didn't know. I thought you were always, you know, evil. I guess we don't have the full story either."

"Yeah, whatever. 17, why are you bothering her with this? Just feed her and lock her up again, I wanna go back out and have some fun. How about we go to that carnival thats vacant. Free access and no lines." 18 seemed excited.

"Yeah I'm down with that. You saiyans eat alot right, well the kitchens in there," He pointed to a small lit up room,"Get whatever you want. 18, just lock that door, I'm sure we could trust Aspen to roam freely. She sure can't get out. She doesn't know the password to the gate."

"Fine, let's go right now then." They left and locked the main door. I walked into the kitchen. It was full of food! I'd never seen so much! I opened the fridge. JELLO!!! I love jello!! I got some out and sat on the couch to eat it. So, the androids weren't all bad, of course Trunks and Gohan would kill me if they knew anything about this!! I wonder how they are now...

Trunks P.O.V.

"Ugh!! I can't do it Gohan, no matter how hard I try, I can't go super saiyan!! And if that's not bad enough, Aspen's out there somewhere!!!" I yelled across to him.

"With time you'll get it, and stop worrying so much. She can take care of herself."

"No she can't! We haven't even trained her because my mother and you are being stubborn about it! She's gonna get hurt, Gohan! I can't lose her, you, my mother, and her are everything to me!" I faught the urge to cry.

"I must be crazy, alright! Next time we hear or see them we'll get her and stop them, okay? I don't like you going into battle this early, but I know if I don't let you you'll come anyways." Gohan said, and I smiled hopefully.

Just then we heard huge crashes and screaming.

"Gohan, the carnival! They're attacking there right now!!"

We flew over there, and sure enough the androids were on the swings that spin around. They were laughing, actually enjoying themselves!!

Without thinking I shot and destroyed the machine that controls the swings and it stopped.

"Where's my sister?!" I yelled, and when they didn't answer I shot and destroyed the chains holding 18's swings up. Her swing fell, but she remained floating.

Gohan grabbed me and pulled me back, not letting go.

"Trunks get ahold of yourself, or go!! Stop pissing off the androids!!" He yelled. I calmed some, and he let go.

"I'm sorry Gohan, I truly am, I just don't want to lose her." When we looked back, the androids had disappeared.

Aspen's P.O.V

I got off the couch and walked over to the kitchen. I wasn't hungry, just curious. The androids had come back and in.

"Trunks sure is worried. He spoiled the fun." 17 said.

"He like blew up. It would've been funny if he hadn't destroyed my favorite ride." 18 rolled her eyes.

I peered out,"So then, they know I'm missing?" They nodded and a spark of hope flickered inside me before I remembered, they won't hurt me. I longed to see my mother and Gohan again. I especially missed Trunks.

"Cheer up Aspen, you won't be here too long. Just until they fine you. Think of it as...Hide-and-seek with partners. We hide you, and they have to find you." 17 said.

I knew he was trying to crack a joke, but I still shivered. It sounded cold and heartless, making me wonder what he was planning and what they would do with me. 17 was alright I guess, but 18's another story. You know, If they'd train me, I could raise my power level and they could find me but nope. I'm too "young".

They left again and I sighed. I was tired of being left alone, but I had this feeling I'd be free soon. A small feeling but a good one.

It felt as if it'd been hours before they came back laughing. Looks like they had fun.

"Dare I ask what happened?" I mumbled but I knew they heard.

"Gohan should up, without Trunks. And Boy, did we give him a fight!" 17 smiled proudly.

I slammed the fridge door close,"What did you do to him?!" I restrained from yelling.

"Killed him. It was a fun game. No worries, Trunks wasn't there. But he's next." 18 smiled.

This time, I didn't hold back,"YOU DID WHAT?!" I screamed loudly.

"Yeah, he asked for it, so we kicked his butt." 18 said.

"HE'S MY FAMILY, HOW DARE YOU?!" I felt my power spike up and they rolled their eyes.

"Relax, Aspen." 17 said.

"YOU DARE EVEN THINK TO HURT TRUNKS AND I WILL KILL YOU BOTH, NO QUESTION!" I yelled and ran to the back room. I slammed the door and locked it, throwing myself onto the bed and crying.

Oh Gohan, please please please forgive me!! I couldn't believe it, just like that, he's gone... And Trunks..Oh Trunks. I could imagine what happens when he finds Gohan, lying dead. I cried harder.

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