Chapter 1: Doomsday

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"Everyone out!" Trunks yelled, opening a hutch. "Everyone get in here!"

It was out secret hideout, where we stayed safe from the androids.

"Mommy!!" A little girl cried, her mom layed dead. I ran over and picked up the girl, running into the hideout. I gave her to Bulma and ran back out to help Trunks and Gohan.

Android 17 laughed and flew up to me," Think you can save these pathetic humans? We'll always be here, and we'll always win." With that, he flew off. Android 18 shot and destroyed a few more buildings before finally taking off and following. I sighed and closed the hutch after everyone was in.

"Will you please train me now!! Gohan, I'm finally seventeen!" Trunks pleaded.

"Yeah, can I train to?" I chimed in.

"Trunks, yes. Aspen, no. Aspen, you're hardly more than thirteen years old. I'm not training you until your seventeen and you know it." Gohan responded.

"But I wanna be useful! I wanna train and be as strong as my mother told me my father was." I remembered how she said he was arrogant, but still very strong.

"You're as eager as him, but no. I won't risk losing you. You were brave to help today, but go back into the hideout. You're not allowed to fight. Do you even know what you're mom would say if she caught you trying to train early?"

"I'd be in so much trouble, but Gohan, I really, really need this!!" I figured if he said no, I'd train myself.

"Ugh, go talk to your mom. If she says yes I'll train you tomorrow. For now, Trunks come with me. We have to train you to be super saiyan." Trunks nodded. They flew off and left me excited and nervous. I looked around at the destruction.

How could anything be so heartless? It's not fair!! Why does this have to happen?

"Aspen, come in here right now before the androids come back!! And where's your brother and Gohan?"

"Training." I mutter, and with that I walked in.

"Aspen, do a head count, and count Trunks and Gohan."

I count over and over, but still come up with the same amount each time," Only thirty, mom." I sigh. It was fifty yesterday,

Bulma sighs," We've lost twenty. Aspen, take everyone's name. We'll do a role call everynight to be sure everyone's here."

I do as I'm told, only taking ages as well.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

At night, I snuck out, past Trunks and Gohan who sleep near the entrance, and outside. I just needed to clear my head a little. I ran fast and straight into a dark object. I fell back and looked up. I kicked the ground and shot back farther away as Android 17 came into clear view. Just my luck.

"What do you want?" I whispered, trembling and too scared to fully speak.

"Some fun, and it just showed up. Hey, 18? Wanna have some fun with her? She's Vegeta's daughter."

"Fine by me. Let's finally have some fun."

"Your move, Aspen."

"I-I can't fight. They wouldn't train me. They told me I was too young." I had to admit.

"Oh, well then this will be boring. 18, she can't fight."

"Wow, that's a drag. Wanna just kill her?"

I wanted to scream for help, but then it'd do nothing.

"How about we just hold her hostage, lure Gohan and Trunks? Then the real fun will begin." When 18 nodded my whole body went numb. "Cool!"

He leaned over to pick grab me. He grabbed me by my arms and lifted me up. I screamed and thrashed out trying to get free, which I'm not sure what I'd do if I was free.

"Little brat! Stop it right now!" He covered my mouth and grabbed my arms and pulled them together so I only had my legs, which 18 grabbed.

I stopped trashing, terrified he might do something bad to me or the others. They flew off with me, and I was terrified because if they dropped me I was doomed, I couldn't fly yet! I felt tears burn my eyes but I refused to let them see I was scared. They took me to their lab and throw me into a cage like cell, slamming it and locking it. I ran and started shaking the door.

"LET ME OUT!! 17, 18 THIS ISN'T FUNNY!! LET ME OUT!!" I screamed, but they laughed and left me in the dark all alone.

I went back into the very corner and hugged my knees. This night was going horribly wrong! No one will know I'm missing for awhile yet, and they might come back!!!

Trunks P.O.V.

I woke up in the mourning and looked around. Everyone was beginning to stir. My mom began the role call. I sat up and wiped the sleep from my eyes and turned to Gohan.

"Aspen?" My mother called, but no reply came. "Aspen?" She called more worriedly.

"She's probably outside messing around or something. Gohan and I'll go look for her." I said. She looked half-relieved but still worried. She nodded in thanks and kept on the role call while Gohan and I went out to look for her. We made sure to close the hutch nice and tight.

"Aspen?!" I called out. We flew around and looked through the half destroyed city. "Gohan, where could she be? She can't even fly, it's not like she went very far. You think she's okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, knowing her she's probably just hiding for fun or.." He was cut off by the androds.

"Locked away in a secret lab, soon to become one of us." 17 finished.

"You took my sister?!" I couldn't hide the shock.

"Yep, you should've hidden the precious thing better. Wouldn't wanna lose such a special toy, huh?" 17 laughed.

"17, this isn't a joke, bring her back right now!!" Gohan and I yelled in unison.

"Well, it's certainly funny for us." 18 chimed in.

"Don't worry, we won't kill her...yet." 17 said, and it sent another wave of laughter between the two androids. It sickened me."Speaking of which, she's been without us for about, 12 hours, no food. Gotta feed a pet, right?" They disappeared within seconds.

"Gohan...What if they hurt her, or kill her..." I felt even sicker at the thought of losing my little sister, I loved her so much.

"Trunks, we'll get her. Relax a little. I know it's bad, but at least their feeding her."

"What if it's poisened?!"

"Now your just being rediculous."

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