𝟓𝟑. Britany

474 26 20

Quidditch. Fantastic. My favourite thing in the whole world. Just brilliant.

Valentine scowled darkly in the stand. Her disgruntlement rolled off her in waves and everyone in the vicinity could sense it. Students around her we're edging away as if she was a wild animal ready to attack at any moment. The chants echoed around the stands, drowning out any nervous whispers others might have had about her. The wind and the rain that swirled and blew in from every direction didn't help. Today, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff were playing and those were the names being changed.

Valentine and her friends shared three umbrellas between them. One between Valentine and Draco, another between Leah and Olivia and the last between Liam and Blaze. They were all bundled up in coats and scarfs and yet the rain still seemed able to find its way to them.

The fog was thick and made things difficult to see. In this weather, binoculars were useless, glass obstructed by mist and rain. Even with Valentine's keen eyes, she was having a hard time following Harry as he zipped across the Quidditch pitch.

The fact that they allow games to be played in this weather is absolutely absurd.

"This game is totally pointless. They should just have Slytherin and Gryffindor play against each other." Draco gloated loudly in her ear. "The pigeons and bumblebees can hardly stay on their brooms let alone play a decent match."

Valentine didn't even want to think about her cousin flying around on the field today. She was on edge enough as it was.

"I can't see anything!" Leah whined, trying to inch forward as far as she could.

"Why are we even here? To get rained on?" Blaze shouted over the storm. "I'm soaked to the bone!"

"This really isn't worth the cold I'll end up with!" Liam added.

"I know right!" Blaze replied. "I mean, I got out of bed for this?"

Are they really going to scream at each other for the whole match?

A streak of white lightning struck down on the pitch. Leah squeal in fear as it hit a player and sent them plummeting. Pressed against her side, Draco stiffened like ice. Valentine opened her mouth for the first time since the match had started.

"Still wish that was you?" She spoke loudly into Draco's ear.

He didn't reply, just looked at her, paler than usual.

Valentine turned back to face the field just in time to watch the key to the survival of the wizarding world disappearing and reappearing in the fog and rain. Her hair was plastered to her scalp and face, hanging in knotted ringlets.

Then Harry and Hufflepuff Seeker, an older boy named Cedric Diggory, seemed to spot the same thing. They both darted towards the heavy cloud cover, disappearing completely from sight. Valentine held her breath for a moment trying to slow her heart rate before she went into cardiac arrest.

Damn this stupid game!

"Oi, where's Potter!" Liam shouted, struggling to keep a grip on his umbrella as a particularly strong wind swept past.

"I saw him go up!" Olivia answered, pointing to storm raging above them.

"Good riddance!" Draco laughed.

Valentine tuned them out, eyes on the clouds above them.

I hate this game. I hate this game. I hate this freaking game!

The others watched the game still going on closer to the ground but Valentine's attention was a rapt and static thing.

Where is he?

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄~ {The Lestrange Daughter #1} Where stories live. Discover now