𝟓𝟐. 394

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Valentine removed the stopper on the bottle and ever so carefully tipped one drop of the potion into the goblet of water. Snape would still be working on a new formula to kill the little problem altogether but for now, she would have to make do with the symptom suppressants.

"Still no sign of him then?" Asked Valentine, putting the stopper back in place.

"Unfortunately no," replied Dumbledore.

"Or fortunately." Added Valentine, leaning against the Head Masters desk. "Depending on how you look at it."

She leaned her head back and drank the whole thing quickly. It tasted bitter and dry and she always wanted to have it over and done with quickly.

Since the break-in two days ago, no one had been able to pick up any trace of Sirius Black. It was like he had completely vanished. The dementors had been sent out to try and track him down again but seeing as he had gotten his way past them twice now, Valentine didn't have much hope for them.

"So, what's our next move?" She asked. "Regarding Black."

"At this time, I'm afraid all we can do is keep our wits about us." Said Dumbledore. "The castle, for the time being, is safe. Harry will not be leaving these grounds until the school year is over or Black has been apprehended.

"Right." Valentine frowned. "Well, that doesn't work for me."

Snape scoffed at that, loud and sardonically amused.

"You will soon learn that the world isn't designed to accommodate you."

"Why thank, Professor Obvious." Valentine blinked innocently. "I had never grasped the concept of such a thing. I am truly grateful."

"Save the sarcasm, Lestrange." He growled.

"I do. Every day, just for you."

"Ahem." Dumbledore cleared his voice, shooting them both a meaning look over his glasses.

"Back to it then." Said Valentine. "The castle may be safe but these grounds are large enough to miss a man in hiding. We should search the forest." Snape scoffed again and she ignored him. "I'll do it myself in secret. If the staff does it then the students will know and it'll just put everyone on edge thinking about Black lurking about in their own backyard."

"My dear," Dumbledore said in a manner that already told Valentine the answer. "I don't believe we should make any rash moves at this junction. Sometimes waiting is all we can do."

"I hate waiting," Valentine grumbled.

"If we hear any news of Black still in the area and I will give both you and Professor Snape expression permission to search the forest, until then, it's inhabitants are best left undisturbed."

"Excuse me?" Snape bristled at the mention of his name.

"Head Master, I don't need back up," Valentine said quickly.

"It wouldn't be back up." Snape spat. "It would be babysitting."

"On the contrary," Said Dumbledore. "you two are essentially a team, working towards the same goal. It's about time you acted like it, don't you think?"

Valentine and Snape spoke at once, voices overlapping.

"Over my dead body."

"I'd rather die."

Dumbledore sighed and took off his glasses.

Sometimes I feel just a little bad for him.

-----Pretending To Hate-----

"Lookie! It's a ducky!" Leah exclaimed.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄~ {The Lestrange Daughter #1} Where stories live. Discover now